Sunday, January 27, 2008

Kathleen Willey Says Hillary “is a Serial Liar”

Interview with Kathleen Willey about her new book as well as Hillary and Bill Clinton

By Fred Martinez

Question: There is overwhelming evidence that you and others bring out about the sexual abuse and sexual misuse of yourself, Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick, Dolly Kaye Browning, Elizabeth Gracen, Monica Lewisnsky and others. Why are some liberal bloggers still claiming Bill Clinton is not a sexual predator?

Willey: Because it suits their agenda. Because of Clinton's stance on abortion, feminists have decided to make the best of it, meaning that Clinton's predatory behavior toward individual women just doesn't matter because other issues override it. Patricia Ireland, the former president of NOW, was quoted as saying, “ All of us knew he was a snake when we voted for him. Betty Friedan, considered the founder of modern feminism, said at some point, Who is Juanita Broaddrick? I've never heard of her I sincerely doubt that, but I sure don't doubt that Friedan said it.

Q: As for Clinton’s sexual assault on you, the same liberal bloggers bring up Independent Counsel Robert Ray and Julie Steele who claim that you aren’t credible. Why are the claims of Steele and Ray about you not credible?

Willey: Well, if I'm credible, then Clinton isn't. And if Bill Clinton's not credible on this point, then about what other things might he be lying? So these attacks are pretty self-explanatory. Bill Clinton, liberal icon, must be protected at all costs.

Q: In your book “Target” you said “I believe Clinton would have raped me that day, just as, I believe, he raped Juanita Broadrick.” Do you believe that Clinton didn’t just sexually assault you, but committed attempted rape?

Willey: There are many areas in which I don't agree with feminists of the Betty Friedan ilk, but I do agree that women have the right NOT to be harassed and handled if they choose not to be. And Bill Clinton did more than that to me. Whether he completed the act he originally had in mind isn't the primary thing. Violation takes many forms, and he committed that crime against me.

Q: In “Target” you said Hillary “was cursing an aide with a very foul mouth. Then she would see somebody who mattered and instantly pour it on, all sweetness.” According to psychologist Martha Stout sociopaths “show sham emotions, but underneath they are indifferent to others’ suffering. They live to dominate.” Do you think Hillary and Bill are sociopaths?

Willey: Well, I'm not a psychologist. A lot of descriptions have been bandied about regarding the Clintons' state of mind and endless sense of entitlement -- and the fact that they will stop at nothing to get what they want. To me, what's more important than how you describe these two, is how you describe the mess they helped to make of this country. I think about that every day. Why millions of voters have such short memories is a real mystery.

Q: You wrote this book “only to tell what I know about Hillary.” What the three things that you wish every voter had in their mind about Mrs. Clinton before they vote?

-That she is a serial liar and will say and do anything to get her way.
-That she has never held a real job that had any real responsibility in terms of keeping employees paid or struggling to keep the doors of a business open, so whatever experience” she touts is basically meaningless with regards to the struggling middle class.
-That she is likely to nominate a lawyer who has had his license suspended - Bill Clinton - to the Supreme Court, not to mention other judges of that liberal ilk, and that's something this country can ill afford.

Q: You quote Dick Morris saying “If you’re going to be a sexual predator, be pro-choice” reference to Bill Clinton. Why is abortion more important to feminists than protecting women from sexual predators?

Willey: Frankly, your guess on this one is as good as mine. I have always been confounded by the fact that prominent feminist groups do nothing to help women in Islamic countries who are being put to death for riding in a car with a guy who isn't a relative, for example, but then go out of their way to protest the war on terror that has had the effect of giving women more rights in Iraq and Afghanistan than they had previously. If that's not liberal hypocrisy on display, it's hard to tell what is.

Q: Boxer Mike Tyson went to prison for rape. Do you think Clinton should have gone to prison for any or all of the following crimes?
-Raping Juanita Broadrick
-Sexually assaulting you and other women
-Witness intimidation
-Obstruction of justice
-His guilty verdict of the federal misdemeanor of releasing your private letters

Willey: If it were up to me, he would have. People have been jailed in this country for doing a hell of a lot less.

Q: Ex-Clinton friend Dick Morris called Hillary’s army of private investigators Clinton’s Secret Police. Your book says that you and others believe that Hillary’s goons did the following:
-Intimidated witnesses
-“[W]oman after woman has been demonized by their [the Clinton’s] secret police” according to Dick Morris
-Threatened your children
-Threatened your friend’s children
-Took one of your cats and killed another
-Left an animal skull on your porch
-Said you were in danger
-Followed you
-Put numerous nails in your car wheels
-Hid under your deck in the middle of the night
-Did a Watergate-like break-in into your house in 2007 and took a manuscript of your book “Target”

If Hillary is elected President, do you think she is capable of even doing worst things?

Willey: Absolutely. There will be no stopping her then. The people who work at World Ahead, the company that published Target, joke that they will have to move to an oil rig in the North Sea, or to Mars, because they have put out several books highly critical of Hillary. But it's not really a joke. She is capable of anything, and the power of the presidency will give her everything she needs to destroy her enemies and reward her friends - who are no friends of this country.

Q: David Schipper, chief investigative counsel for the House Judiciary Committee, recalled a priest came to see him after the impeachment who said he was an exorcist.

The priest said to him “There are satanic influences in the White House, and they all want you out of here.”

“Yes, Bill Clinton is a bad guy,” Schipper acknowledged.

“No, not him,” the priest said. “Her.”

Schipper in your book said he thinks Hillary “is evil.” What do you think?

Willey: I can't disagree with that analysis. If I could exorcise the Clintons from my life, I'd be happy to do so

Q: I’ve written for Newsmax and The Conservative Monitor, but most of my work has been for Catholic publications. What do you think we should pray for when we pray for Bill and Hillary? What should we pray for in our next president?

Willey: Well, forgiveness is always a good thing to pray for. To pray that they change their ways and work to help, not harm this country would be another, although God's going to have a tough time with these two.

As for the next president, I pray that whoever it is realizes that the future of this great nation is in jeopardy from foolish policies and foolish expenditures that are wreaking havoc on our future and that of our kids -- and that he (at this point, I'd say it's a he) does something about it.

Willey: Thank you, Fred.

Friday, January 25, 2008

"Don't Tell me Romney is the True Conservative"

The real conservative Republican?
Debra J. Saunders

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney likes to tell Republican voters that he is the true conservative because, unlike Sen. John McCain, he has not been "part of the Washington scene for a quarter of a century."

Yes, McCain has been in Congress since first elected in 1982, but he never succumbed to the Beltway Culture of Spending, whereas Romney fell into Washington's big spending trap somewhere between Michigan and Florida.

As Romney courted the Michigan vote, he proposed a $20 billion energy research/auto industry bailout plan likely to appeal to the Motor City state. Later, touting himself as the turnaround guy for a flailing economy, Romney released his own $233 billion stimulus package - a price tag that dwarfs President Bush's $145 billion proposal.

In the package, Romney cooked up a pricey way to court Florida's powerful senior vote: He proposed a permanent elimination of payroll taxes on seniors. And he opposed "any increase in Social Security taxes."

The man who says he is not a creature of Washington presented no spending cuts in the stimulus package. Romney spokesperson Sarah Pompei said that the price tag is big because it needs to be "large enough and immediate enough to have an impact to help turn around the economy." And while there are no specific spending cuts, in general Romney wants "to cut wasteful spending in Washington." Forget that without spending cuts, Plan Romney can only further expand the federal budget deficit.

We've seen that movie before. It's called Politics as Usual.

I understand Romney's appeal to GOP voters. During debates, he usually delivers the best line and demonstrates a command of every issue. Pundits like to talk about how he looks like a president. More important, he sounds like a president.

Romney's work to restore confidence to the scandal-plagued 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics shows that his take-charge attitude can lead to success. Also, Republicans like a candidate with real-world business experience.

But don't tell me Romney is the true conservative in the race. His record reveals a solid conservative - when it has been in his interest to be one.

In 1994, when he was running to unseat Democratic Sen. Ted Kennedy, Romney supported abortion rights, distanced himself from Ronald Reagan and courted the gay and lesbian vote. While he opposed same-sex marriage, Romney convinced the largest gay GOP organization, the Log Cabin Republicans, that he could support civil unions - and won their unanimous endorsement when he ran for governor of Massachusetts in 2002.

Before his first - and only - term as governor was over, Romney had flipped completely. When Romney came out against civil unions, Log Cabin Republicans felt betrayed. "He shakes your hand, looks you in the eye," Log Cabin member Richard Babson later told the Washington Post. "It's hard for me to know what Mitt Romney's first principles are on a given day."

Romney had liberal/moderate Republican positions when running for Massachusetts office, then far-right positions when they could help him win the GOP nod for the White House. And somehow he feels no hesitation in framing himself as the true conservative. Yes, thinking people's positions evolve, but Romney's evolutions have been too fast and too convenient.

Perhaps that's why New Hampshire voters did not turn out for the former governor next door.



Romney is the Opposite of Reagan

Peggy Noonan’s biography of Ronald Reagan,"When Character Was King," shows the former president to be humble and beloved by most who knew him. Romney appears to be distant and dislike by many who know him.

Romney leads in ill will among GOP candidates
By Michael Luo
New York Times
Article Launched: 01/24/2008 03:33:40 AM PST

TAMPA, Fla. - At the end of the Republican presidential debate in New Hampshire this month, when the Democrats joined the candidates on stage, Mitt Romney found himself momentarily alone as his counterparts mingled, looking around a bit stiffly for a companion.

The moment was emblematic of a broader reality that has helped shape the Republican contest and could take center stage again today at a debate in Florida. Within the small circle of contenders, Romney has become the most disliked.

With so much attention recently on the sniping between Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama on the Democratic side, the almost visceral scorn directed at Romney by his rivals has been overshadowed.

"Never get into a wrestling match with a pig," Sen. John McCain said in New Hampshire this month after reporters asked him about Romney. "You both get dirty, and the pig likes it."

Mike Huckabee's pugilistic campaign chairman, Ed Rollins, appeared to stop just short of threatening Romney with physical violence at one point.

"What I have to do is make sure that my anger with a guy like Romney, whose teeth I want to knock out, doesn't get in the way of my thought process," Rollins said.

Campaign insiders and outside strategists point to several factors driving the ill will, most notably, Romney's attacks on opponents in TV commercials, the perception of him as an ideological panderer and resentment about his seemingly unlimited resources as others have


struggle to raise cash.
Romney's campaign contends that the hostility is driven by how he has aggressively sought to win the early primaries, setting himself up as the chief antagonist, first, to Huckabee in Iowa and then to McCain in New Hampshire.

A spokesman for the Romney campaign, Kevin Madden, said, "I think it's largely driven by the fact that everybody's taught to tackle the guy on the field with the ball."

And a senior adviser to Romney, Ronald Kaufman, pointed to his vast personal fortune and upstart status in politics as breeding resentment.

The New Hampshire debate was striking in that it amounted to a gang tackle of Romney, even though McCain was leading in polls in the state.

"The glee the other candidates go after Romney with is really unique," said Dan Schnur, a Republican strategist who worked on McCain's presidential campaign bid in 2000 but currently is not affiliated with any campaign.

In stark contrast to Romney, McCain seems to be universally liked and respected by the other Republican contenders, even if they disagree with him.

Schnur used a schoolyard analogy to compare Romney, the ever proper Harvard Law School and Business School graduate, to McCain, the gregarious rebel who racked up demerits and friends at the Naval Academy. "John McCain and his friends used to beat up Mitt Romney at recess," Schnur said.

Although McCain has now started to draw some cautious challenges from Giuliani in Florida, he has a longstanding friendship with him, dating from 1998, when they first met.

McCain also seems to have fallen into a mutual non-aggression pact with Huckabee, who has been almost fawning in his compliments for McCain and dripping with contempt when discussing Romney.

McCain has drawn criticism as being excessively personal in striking back at Romney. So he has tried to play down any notion that he harbors special animosity toward him, saying he simply does not know him well.

Giuliani endorsed Romney for Massachusetts governor in 2002 and campaigned for him. Romney got to know McCain while running the 2002 Winter Olympic Games and went to Washington to seek federal money.

Aides to Huckabee say he did not get to know Romney well as a governor, finding him distant at meetings. The aides said they were irritated that Romney did not call after Huckabee's victory in Iowa.

Romney shrugged off any tension with his rivals when asked about it.

"You know," he said, "in this process, people have a real battle for success. But I consider these guys friends."


Thursday, January 24, 2008

"Huckabee is the Only Presidential Candidate to take the Pledge to Build the Border Fence"

Why I May Not Vote in the 2008 General Election
By convinced1972
Date Jan 22

I found out after I voted for President Bush in 2004 that I had voted for the lesser of 2 evils when President Bush gave his speech on Amnesty for Illegals.

From that point I vowed I would never vote for the lesser of 2 evils again.

So, I looked at all the candidates and I chose to vote in the Primary Election for Duncan Hunter.

Hunter is strong on the borders, Hunter is strong on National Defense, Hunter is strong on killing these bad trade deals that have made America a huge “Service Industry.” Hunter wanted to offer Health Insurance to be bought across state lines because he like Reagan knew that competition would drive down the cost.

I saw a media blackout like no other with Hunter. I was born in 1972 but I don’t recall anyone being blacked out by the media from 1980 to 2004. Even Nader wasn’t blacked out by the media.

I won’t vote for John McCain because of his Kennedy-Bush Amnesty bill and I won’t vote for him because of his Feinstein bill.

I won’t vote for Romney because he changed positions on Abortion, Guns, and Marriage just before he announced his candidacy. Also, Romney started Bain Capital Corp which was a spin off of Bain and Co. Bain Capital is going to sell an American Defense Contractor to Huawei which is a Chinese company that supplies the Chinese Military. Huawei is also a company that supplied Saddam Hussein with air defense to defend against the “NO-FLY Zone” that American pilots were patrolling.

Now, Romney has the obligation, “If he truly loves America” to go back to the Corporation that he doesn’t own but has a healthy retirement from plus has donated to his campaign to stop the sale of 3Com to the Chinese company.

“The FEC statement shows that Romney has a portfolio that includes a wide range of investments, from hedge funds to real estate to blue chip stocks to holdings in foreign companies, and that he continues to earn millions from a retirement deal with Bain Capital, the venture firm he started in 1984 and left in 1999. And it shows that he has plenty of cash on hand — one of his joint checking accounts holds between $5 million and $25 million, according to the filings.”

“The Romneys’ assets are held primarily in blind trusts, which are controlled by R. Bradford Malt, a partner at Ropes & Gray and chairman of the firm’s investment management company, with the guidance of an investment adviser at Goldman Sachs.”

“Earlier this year, Romney played down any lingering connection after The Associated Press reported Bain Capital and Bain & Co., the management consulting firm where Romney used to work, had links to Iranian business interests or deals despite Romney’s campaign-trail call for state pension funds to divest from Iran. At the time, a spokesman highlighted Romney’s 1999 resignation from Bain, while Romney himself said his divestment call applied only to future activity, not past dealings.”- North Carolina Times

“A notation in Romney’s filing, however, says that his Bain investments have been in his and his wife’s blind trusts and that “neither Mr. Romney nor Mrs. Romney has had any control over the assets acquired or disposed of” since January 2003.”-North Carolina Times

“A note in the report also states that Romney asked for Bain’s underlying holdings, but, like other funds in his blind trust, the fund managers said the information was confidential and declined to provide it.”-North Carolina Times

Huckabee is pro-amnesty like McCain and Huckabee raised taxes. Though Huckabee is the only Presidential candidate to take the pledge to build the border fence for Numbers USA. Huckabee is also from Hope, Arkansas and I recall another President coming from there.

Guiliani is anti-gun, and he essentially gave Amnesty to illegals in NYC. I find it amazing that Guiliani said the Government wouldn’t do anything so what was he to do. Yet, Guiliani has never been blacked out by the media.

Finally, Paul has great ideas on domestic issues for America. With that being said, he’s horrible on Foreign Policy issues.

He wants to pull our military from around the world and not defend the defenseless. This is precisely why I can’t support him because I know the Marine Corps is on Okinawa and Japan because if we weren’t the Chinese would have overran the Japanese long ago.

Also, Paul is wrong about Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution. Nowhere in our “Law of the Land” document does it say Congress must formally declare war. I would like the Paul supporters to take my challenge. Do a search for “December 8, 1801 Thomas Jefferson.” Then you will understand why America has only had 5 Formal Declarations of War and in all 5 it was the current President of the United States that requested the Formal Declaration of War.

I’m not sure on Paul’s stance on trade but the others all want “Free Trade” which history has shown is Free to everyone but America.


Why Is Romney's Company Trying To Sell Military Secrets To Communist China?

Romney's Company Attempting To Sell Military Secrets To Communist China



CONTACT: Gary Becks (619) 334-1655,

San Diego, CA - - - Presidential candidate and current Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Committee, Congressman Duncan Hunter, today called on former Governor Mitt Romney to send a “clear statement” to the leadership of the company he founded, Bain Capital, to terminate a proposed business deal with a controversial Chinese corporation seeking to acquire U.S. defense contractor 3COM. Bain Capital is attempting to form a business arrangement with Huawei Corporation, a Chinese corporation founded by an officer of the Peoples Liberation Army of Communist China, which faces allegations of assisting Saddam Hussein in the targeting of U.S. aircraft and in helping the Taliban develop surveillance equipment.

“I am extremely concerned that Governor Romney’s company would tout a highly suspect Chinese corporation as a strategic partner,” stated Hunter. “Forming a business partnership with a corporation known to have direct ties with terrorists and dictators while, at the same time, openly seeking to acquire a major U.S. corporation that performs vital cyber security work for the Department of Defense, can only be characterized as irresponsible.”

A resolution has been introduced in Congress, H.Res. 730, which states; “The preponderance of publicly available evidence clearly suggests that as currently structured, the proposed transaction involving Huawei threatens the national security of the United States and should not be approved by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States .” A copy of this resolution is provided.

Hunter stated in his letter to Governor Romney, “…while it is true that you no longer control Bain Capital, the contributions you have received from its principals as its founding member indicate that your influence within the company remains strong.

“Further, while the Committee on Foreign Investment has yet to rule on the Huawei transaction, this corporation’s connection to Saddam Hussein, the Taliban and the Army of Communist China should clearly disqualify them from becoming, in the words of your former company, “a strategic partner” in acquiring a U.S. firm such as 3COM, which performs vital cyber-security work for the U.S. Department of Defense.

“This letter is a request that you immediately issue a statement of policy that this transaction should be terminated on the grounds of national security. Please let me know what you intend to do.”

A copy of Congressman Hunter’s letter, as well as two articles regarding Huawei acquisition efforts are provided. Media are encouraged to contact Gary Becks at (619) 334-1655 for additional information or to arrange an interview with Hunter.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

"Why aren't all Schoolchildren being Taught that there are Special Health Risks Associated with Homosexual Behavior?"

LaBarbera: New MRSA Staph Risk Spread by Gay Men Shows Risks of 'Second-Hand Sodomy'
CHICAGO, Jan. 16 /Christian Newswire/ -- Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth (, issued the following statement in reaction to news reports that a new variety of staph bacteria, MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) -- highly resistant to antibiotics and possibly transmitted by sexual contact - - is spreading among homosexual men in San Francisco and other major cities.

According to researchers, the risk of contracting this potential deadly and drug-resistant bug is 13 times greater for gay men than for the rest of San Francisco's population. The San Francisco Chronicle reports: "What is unusual in this case is the high percentage of infections -- up to 40 percent -- occurring in the buttocks and genitalia."

LaBarbera asked:

-Is this not an eerie reminder of the initial stories 25 years ago about AIDS -- then called GRID (Gay- Related Immunodeficiency Disease)? It is unfathomable that after that plague, disease specialists and the media are now surprised at the correlation of new infections with homosexual behavior;

-Wake up, medical and political establishment: homosexual behavior is unhealthy -- no matter how many secular sermons you preach against "homophobia." Due to liberal political correctness, which treats aberrant -- even deadly -- behaviors as a "civil right," we as a society don't seem to have learned much from the AIDS pandemic;

-Why aren't all schoolchildren being taught that there are special health risks associated with homosexual behavior and that they should "just say no" to homosexuality? (Instead, schools are telling certain confused youth that they are naturally "gay," a harmless identity);

-Why won't the media make the common-sense connection between these frequent stories about (male) homosexual behavior and disease -- and the notion that society should not celebrate homosexuality and bisexuality?;

-Why isn't there a concerted government effort -- akin to the current anti-smoking campaigns -- to reign in homosexual promiscuity -- beginning with closing down all sex businesses (bathhouses) that facilitate homosexual perversion? We know that bisexual behavior (men on the "down low") helps spread dangerous diseases to the general population: how many deaths have to result from this "second-hand sodomy" before authorities take corrective action?;

-If any other behavior were as closely linked to death and disease as male homosexuality, would we be so careful not to criticize it -- or would we offer healthy alternatives to it like abstinence and the ex-"gay" movement?

Christian Newswire

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

"Pro- life Romney even Attended a Fundraiser for Planned Parenthood"

Right To Life Leaders Battle Over Romney
National RTL and Bob Jones III vs. American Right To Life
DENVER, Jan. 16 /Christian Newswire/ -- American RTL Action president Steve Curtis is challenging the pro-life leadership of South Carolina's Bob Jones III and of National Right To Life for their support of pro-abortion Mitt Romney for president. Curtis is the former president of the Colorado Republican Party. The anti-Romney TV ads his new 527 group is running in early contest states like South Carolina have garnered media coverage including being aired by ABC's World News Tonight and the Fox News Channel. The political group's website,, documents with links to mainstream media sources, and audio and video clips of the candidate himself, Romney's aggressive and most recent pro-abortion record:

Mitt Romney claims, "On every piece of legislation, I came down on the side of life." That is a lie. In April 2006 he signed the Massachusetts Health Care Reform Plan that pays for even elective abortions. Romney today falsely claims a 1981 court ruling about "medically necessary" abortions forced him to provide tax-funded elective abortion into law, showing he prioritizes socialized "health care" over protecting kids, even when it pays to kill them. Romney gave a permanent seat on the Massachusetts health payment policy advisory board to the nation's leading abortionists at Planned Parenthood. Romney signed the 2005 bill that promotes chemical abortions with Plan B. As Governor he appointed openly pro-abortion Democrat Matt Nestor to a district court; and disputing a ruling from his own state health department Romney personally argued that pro-life hospitals must dispense abortifacients. Romney claims to have been personally pro-life for many years, but also claims a recent pro-life conversion on Nov. 9, 2004 while talking to Harvard researcher Douglas Melton about embryonic stem cells. However Mitt still openly supports killing the baby of a rapist, and killing the tiniest of humans for research. Dr. Melton has even disputed Romney's account of their conversation. Pro- life Romney even attended a fundraiser for Planned Parenthood. In October 2005 Romney asked the federal government for a waiver for a major increase in funding for abortion "counseling" and for tax-funded abortifacients. During the years that Romney says he was personally pro-life he aggressively claimed to be second-to-none in asserting abortion as an essential right. And the Weekly Standard reports him telling the pro-abortion activists at NARAL, "you need someone like me in Washington." [see corroborating links for all claims]

"The evidence is indisputable-- Mitt Romney is lying to get Christian votes," said vice president of ARTL Action, Columbine dad Brian Rohrbough. "Pro-life leaders like Bob Jones III have been deceived by Mitt Romney and American Right To Life Action calls upon Dr. Jones to retract his endorsement of this pro- abortion politician."

Denver-based "American Right To Life Action also calls National RTL's support of Mitt Romney a betrayal of the innocent," said Curtis. NRTL is playing the odds, and "doubled down," officially endorsing anti- human life amendment Fred Thompson, while supporting their own longtime general counsel for serving as a "key advisor" to the Romney campaign. "The Republican National Committee has given hundreds of thousands of dollars to NRTL, which calls into question NRTL's loyalty to the unborn," added Curtis, "especially now that its political architect, James Bopp, is endorsing a pro-abortion candidate like Mitt Romney who plainly lies to deceive pro-lifers."

Christian Newswire

"DC does not want Mike Huckabee"

Mike Huckabee a Man of Principle for President.

“Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”

The establishment in Washington, DC does not want Mike Huckabee and uses fear, uncertainty and doubt to scare voters and as Churchill said “we have nothing to fear but fear itself.” The Wall Street Journal prints negative stories about him almost every day. Why? He is a different kind of Republican. He will not give corporate America a free ride while tossing bones to conservatives like you. We need a President that thinks about all the people. Mike says over and over that “our nation was founded so that “all” citizens would have a right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” Mike Huckabee is out to show people the American dream is still alive.

More than 20 years ago Mike Huckabee determined to put his faith and conviction into action fighting for the American Family and their Freedom to Pursue Happiness. Not content with the status quo he went into politics to stop abortion. An honest hardworking man from the heart of America without privilege, he listened to straight talk from the real men and women he meet that shared his vision to reawaken government to work for “We the People”.

A few years later he was Governor of Arkansas. Now he is tied for first place nationally in polls in the race for President of the United States. Driven to fight for us the citizens of the United States. Mike’s vision addresses an array of issues including how to abolish the IRS and improve the nation's education system, environmental policy and the failing health care system.

Ronald Reagan said "Above all, we must realize that no arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women. It is a weapon our adversaries in today's world do not have."

Mikes book, “From Hope to Higher Ground: 12 STOPS to Restoring America’s Greatness” reveals his optimistic vision for what America can become with the right kind of leadership and a clear direction.

Mike Huckabee shows us true leadership experience outside the beltway with real vision put into action with real results throughout his political life.

Mike Huckabee, a fiscal conservative, pushed through the Arkansas Legislature the first major, broad-based tax cuts in state history — a $90 million tax relief package for Arkansas families. He led efforts to establish a Property Taxpayers' Bill of Rights and created a welfare reform program that reduced the welfare rolls in the state by almost 50 percent. He also doubled the standard deduction to $2,000 for single taxpayers and $4,000 for those who are married. He proposed The Property Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights which established a uniform notice and due process procedure to guarantee that all Arkansans will be treated fairly in property tax assessment.

In total, Huckabee cut taxes and fees over 90 times during his ten and a half years as governor, saving the people of Arkansas almost $380 million. When he left office, Arkansas had a state surplus of over $800 million, which he believes should go back to the people in the form of either a tax rebate or tax cut.

Creating ARKids and providing health insurance coverage for more than 70,000 Arkansas children who otherwise might have gone without. Before leaving office, Mike supported the ARHealthNet program which gives small business owners and their employees better access to health care coverage.

Take action to assure that a Man of Principle and Conviction is elected to be your next President!

Mike needs your support and financial help, stand with him in faith in the fight for your family and your freedom and your right to the pursuit of happiness.

Please don’t just read the establishment lies. Go to and read his positions for yourself.

Monday, January 14, 2008

The Suspense of Love

By Fred Martinez

The Christian culture is based on love. The Greek language of the New Testament has three different words for love: agape, philia and eros.

Eros is the love of a person for another person. Its highest form is the attraction of a man for a woman. The symbol of eros is a man and a woman facing each other.

Philia is the love of a group of persons for each other. The city of brotherly love in the East Coast is named after this love. Its highest form is the unity of family members. The symbol of philia is persons side by side.

While eros and philia were widely used before Christ's time, agape was relatively unknown. Agape is love of God man. Its highest form is the God-man giving His life for enemy and friend. The symbol of agape is the cruxifix. Agapes fulfillment is the resurrection.

D H Lawrence touched on eros and philia when he said, “There are, the young women say, no real men to love. And there are, the young men say, no real girls to fall-in love with."1

According to Lawrence, the women’s love tends toward Eros. Her love is direct, face to face. Men’s love tends toward philia. His love falls through something to meet the woman. His love is hand holding hand, side by side.

Lawrence wrote," I believe there has never been an age of greater mistrust between persons than in ours today." 2 In other words, eros was mistrusted and a superficial philia was trusted. This was written when the feminist and socialist state was being established in England.

The feminist denied eros and the state upsurged the philia of the family. The state in Western secular regimes has been at war with the family since this time.

The feminist and the Puritan for different reasons taught their daughters not to love, but to mistrust their personal eros and their father’s philia.

G K Chesterton defended love and children against the sterile Puritan/feminist monster and it’s power mad Frankenstein father- the monopolistic capitalist/socialist state. He was a troubadour who fought for love of a woman and the right of a men to sing and drink beer. His love poetry to his wife are masterpieces and his beer songs are still fun.

1 (Edited By) Cavitch, David, Life Studies-A Thematic Reader. New York: St. Martins Pess, !983 and Lawrence, D H Counterfeit, p.385.

2 Ibid., p. 385.

Ernest Van Den Haag said the medieval troubadour “conceived love a longing, a tension between desire and fulfillment.” 3 In this way he showed the similarity between loveless anxiety and loving faith suspense.

Anxiety is a suspense. It is a suspense with fear about the outcome of relationships. In a way anxiety is a good sign. If one has it, it show they have not gone mad like Marx’s and Nietzsche’s self-actualized supermen Hitler and Stalin who believed they were beyond relationship. If anxiety does not find a relationship with God or another beloved it finally falls into distrust and despair.

Faith is also a suspense, but a suspense with excitement about the outcome of it’s relationship with God the beloved or another beloved. It leads to trust and hope.

But Van Den Haag got it wrong when he said, " the religious too perpetuate longing by placing the beloved altogether out of physical reach." He didn’t understand agape.

Agape is the God-man giving his life and everything human thing he had in total self-giving to friend and enemy. The Catholic faith teaches that Jesus, God and man, gives hypocrite and saint his body, soul and divinity when they receive Holy Communion.

Christ gives us his blood body, soul and divinity for the same reason that a husband gives a blood transfusion to a bleeding wife or a friend gives a skin graft to a burned friend. He loves and wants to save our life. Our friends may save our life for a few more decades, but with Jesus we are saved to live forever.

Friday, January 11, 2008

How to End the Abortion Culture?

By Fred Martinez

Operation Rescue rightly called election 2006 Bloody Tuesday. Operation Rescue President Troy Newman said:

“America has voted and the bloody results have placed the most vulnerable among us, the pre-born, in the cross-hair for continued extermination.”

There is only one way to end the Bloody Tuesday Nightmare. It is not by pointing fingers, but by understanding what happened and praying to God to help us do His will.

Dr. Theresa Burke's book on post-abortion therapy, Forbidden Grief: The Unspoken Pain of Abortion, shows us that America has become a nightmare culture caused by trauma.

Burke applies psychology to cure this trauma, but says that the abortion trauma can only be completely healed if one asks for and receives God's mercy. If the grief of abortion is not healed, then the world becomes a Freddy Krueger-like nightmare. Burke maintains that the horror icons of the United States such as Freddy Krueger and the "evil child movies" are symbols of a culture running away from its guilt.

"I think that evil child movies are all around us. The child is the victimizer, the one who torments. Other movies, like Freddy Krueger, illustrate the horror of being tracked down by an 'abortionist' figure who is out to kill her baby," Burke said. "I've watched MTV where baby dolls are thrown off cliffs, discarded, abused and unwanted — revealing the unconscious conflict shared by all who have rejected children or been abused themselves after having been used for sexual pleasure."

E. Michael Jones, editor of Culture Wars, in a review of Forbidden Grief agrees with its thesis that when one represses guilt one creates even greater monsters in the unconscious. He said, "... depression, suicide attempts, compulsive political activism, reveals itself upon closer inspection to be neurotic compensation for the guilt from abortion, which the culture of death instructs women to repress."

"Feminists could hardly suppress their glee when Lorena Bobbitt castrated her husband," Jones said. "What they did suppress was the connection between this bizarre and otherwise inexplicable act and the fact that her husband had forced her to abort their child."

This is only one example of what happens to a culture when millions of men and women have the memory of an aborted baby haunting their unconscious. Forbidden Grief tells us in story after story of "bizarre" behaviors. In one account we find a dorm party in which the students, many post-abortive, played "baby soccer."

The "baby soccer" story reminds one of a Stephen King novel with its broken heads of dolls being kicked around, their eyes gouged out, doll cheeks burned with cigarette butts and a boyfriend burning cigarette holes between the doll's legs as well as ripping off their legs. This account and others convinced Burke that abortion is connected to the horror games that our culture plays.

"The college students I witnessed playing 'baby soccer' were actually trying to master their trauma by belittling it through a game with decapitated baby doll parts," Burke said. "This amusement and mesmerizing allure to engage in the traumatic play is a symptom of our culture's need to overcome the horror — like the baby in the blender jokes, which all surfaced coincidentally after Roe v. Wade passed."

The baby soccer game and other horror genres are symptoms showing that millions of Americans need to overcome the "collective guilt" associated with abortion. Burke says, "As the group's enthusiasm for this game demonstrated, the acting out of post-abortion trauma can be contagious ... collective guilt and trauma have the capacity to disguise massive injustice."

According to Life Dynamic's Mark Crutcher, this massive injustice — in which millions have been killed — can be stopped by ending access to abortion-bound women. His booklet Access states that between 40 percent and 60 percent of American women of childbearing age have had at least one abortion. There is also a similar percentage of males who are post-abortive as well.

The booklet claims that the reason for our increasingly pro-abortion elective government is these percentages of persons who are in internal conflict. After violating the moral commandment of "Thou shall not kill," they vote pro-abortion, seeing the stance of the pro-life politicians as a personal attack on themselves.

"What I'm saying is that since the vast majority of elections are decided by slim margins, anything which influences even a small percentage of voters can be a powerful force," Crutcher said. "The point is that the potential impact is staggering. Moreover, this force grows considerably more powerful every day as another 4,000 abortions are racked up."

His booklet says studies have found that these women do not have abortions unless there is easy and local access to them. The vast majority of these women, according to these studies, will not travel long distances or pay large amounts of money for an abortion.

The way to defeat the abortion nightmare on the political front, according to Crutcher, is to sue doctors. And Steve Mosher, head of the Population Research Institute (PRI), says there are many legitimate reasons to sue. Says Mosher, "The failure to stop an abortion procedure on request, or even depriving women of their right to full information, can be construed as a denial of a woman's freedom of access to reproductive health."

Access says, "... our opponents' ability to continue fighting comes from a high abortion rate. That is what fuels their political machine. As long as they have $64,000 an hour to draw on, and the potential for at least 4,000 new pro-abortion voters every day, the legal status of abortion will not change."

According to Access, very few new doctors want to be abortionists, so malpractice suits make the abortion business even more unattractive. As fewer young doctors enter the field, access to abortions becomes costly and inaccessible.

The abortionists and the pro-abortion media seem to agree. In 1992, abortionist David Gritmes said, "Distance clearly matters in women's reproductive choices ... abortion rates were found to be inversely related to the distance to a provider."

In 1998, the New York Times Magazine said, "... abortion is retreating into a half-lighted ghetto of pseudonyms, suspicion and fear ... today 59% of all abortion doctors are 65 years old ... nearly two-thirds are beyond legal retirement age."

Access presents 81 such quotes from abortionist and pro-abortion publications to show, as it says, "access doesn't just influence abortion politics; it is the determining factor in which side wins and which side loses."

Along these lines, another way to end the abortion government is to reach out to the millions of post-abortion trauma voters with God's mercy, as Dr. Burke is doing. If even a small percentage changes sides, as Crutcher said, these slim margins in elections may start going to pro-life politicians. And it is never too late to start reaching out to persons in post-abortion trauma.

"We had one woman come on our retreat who was 87 years old. She suffered over half a century with this secret that she had never revealed to anyone until she came to Rachel's Vineyard. She was so relieved to be with others and to finally receive God's forgiveness," Burke said. "We can offer the Lord's mercy by not seeking to judge or condemn them, but by inviting them to thoughtfully reflect on their experience — by being the one ear that will listen, or the one heart that cries with them for the loss."

That 87-year-old woman's conversion represents millions of voters who could convert to voting for pro-life Republicans because the Democrats have steadfastly "positioned" themselves as the abortion party. The problem for the Republicans is that those women swing voters must be reached with psychological and religious help such as the 87-year-old experienced.

The way this can be done is for pro-life activists to pressure the Republican leadership and President Bush to attempt to pass legislation that offers psychological assistance to women with abortion trauma. The Democrats and media would go crazy, but if this legislation were positioned as a woman's right to reproductive health, then the Republicans would have the moral high ground.

Even if the legislation didn't pass, the mere publicity would get it into the consciousness of millions of woman in abortion trauma. The pro-life movement and conservative churches could then get into action and start offering those women the help they need.

After this is done, we need to put pressure on Bush to get the Justice Department to prosecute all abortionists who, as PRI president Steve Mosher said, fail "to stop an abortion procedure on request, or even depriving women of their right to full information." PRI's recent pro-life conference introduced new legal campaigns to sue abortionist doctors who fail to provide complete information about the risks of abortion to their patients.

"We're working with these attorneys to inform more and more Americans of their rights," Mosher said. "It's time America does an 'about face' on the abortion industry. Women deserve genuine health and human rights, not violations so routinely committed by the abortion industry."

According to Pennsylvania's Dr. Chris Kahlenborn, 28 out of 37 studies worldwide show that induced abortion increases the risk of breast cancer. Thirteen of 15 studies done in the United States reported an increased risk. (See:

The increased risk of having breast cancer after an abortion is 50 percent if it's your first baby. If you're under 18 it goes to 150 percent. If you're under 18 and your baby is more than nine weeks old, your increased risk is 800 percent!

"As soon as there comes a woman who has breast cancer who has had an abortion and takes it to court, she's got a very strong case," Kahlenborn said. "The problem is a lot of young women when they do get breast cancer die from it so quickly — because it's so aggressive when you're young — they might not make it to court."

As Kahlenborn showed, this is not just about winning elections; it's about doing the right thing. Unfortunately or fortunately, for the Republicans this is also about politics. Any increase in abortions — as Crutcher graphically shows — leads to the demise of the Republican Party.

But the Republicans are running out of time. Their base is the conservative religious voter so they cannot allow the abortionists to have the "$64,000 an hour to draw on, and the potential for at least 4,000 new pro-abortion voters every day." As Crutcher said, this is "the determining factor in which side wins and which side loses."

The party of Lincoln must make a choice. They can become like the Whigs, who kept compromising on the issue of slavery until they were replaced before the Civil War by the Republicans. Or they can stand firm, like Lincoln, and limit the spread of a great evil.

Lincoln never attempted to abolish slavery directly, because he knew that if he limited its spread to only the South, then, like a disease, it would die a natural death. The Democrats — the slavery party — knew this, too. That is why they started the Civil War.

(The South was correct in its claim that it had the constitutional right to secede, and it had the Founding Fathers' idea of federalism to back its states' rights claims. This is what gave the South the moral courage to fight a great war.)

The Democrats — the abortion party — know also that the abortion industry will die a natural death if limited in its ability to exploit women. But they will not start a civil war on this issue, because they are cowards and have no moral high ground.

Can anybody imagine Teddy Kennedy and company having the courage to fight for anything more than six more years of luxury at the taxpayers' expense?

So Bush can go down in history as another Lincoln. (Lincoln was considered dumber by the media of his day than our present media consider President Bush.)

All that Bush has to do is limit abortions spread by protecting women's health and human rights as well as letting women in abortion trauma know that he and others are there offering help to free them from their nightmare of abortion.

"We had Abortions. It isn't just a Women's Trauma."

"We had Abortions. It isn't just a Women's Trauma."

Changing abortion's pronoun

Carolyn Cole / Los Angeles Times
REGRET: “I hadn’t given it a thought,” Mark B. Morrow, shown with son Ross, said of long-ago girlfriends’ abortions. “ Now it all came crashing down on me — look what you’ve done.”
'We had abortions,' say men whose lovers ended pregnancies. It isn't just a women's trauma, they insist. But critics see a political calculation.
By Stephanie Simon, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
January 7, 2008
SAN FRANCISCO -- Jason Baier talks often to the little boy he calls Jamie. He imagines this boy -- his son -- with blond hair and green eyes, chubby cheeks, a sweet smile.

But he'll never know for sure.

His fiancee's sister told him about the abortion after it was over. Baier remembers that he cried. The next weeks and months go black. He knows he drank far too much. He and his fiancee fought until they broke up. "I hated the world," he said.

Baier, 36, still longs for the child who might have been, with an intensity that bewilders him: "How can I miss something I never even held?"

These days, he channels the grief into activism in a burgeoning movement of "post-abortive men." Abortion is usually portrayed as a woman's issue: her body, her choice, her relief or her regret. This new movement -- both political and deeply personal in nature -- contends that the pronoun is all wrong.

"We had abortions," said Mark B. Morrow, a Christian counselor. "I've had abortions."

Morrow spoke to more than 150 antiabortion activists gathered recently in San Francisco for what was billed as the first national conference on men and abortion. Participants -- mostly counselors and clergy -- heard two days of lectures on topics such as "Medicating the Pain of Lost Fatherhood" and "Forgiveness Therapy With Post-Abortion Men."

The most striking session featured the halting testimony of men whose partners aborted. Baier, who now lives in Phoenix, told the crowd he suffered years of depression and addiction. "I couldn't get the thought out of my head about what I had lost."

Since the concept of post-abortion syndrome first emerged in the early 1980s, some women have recounted similar stories -- and learned to leverage them into political power. They speak at legislative hearings and rallies organized by the Silent No More Awareness Campaign. They write affidavits detailing their years of emotional turmoil, which the Justice Foundation, a conservative advocacy group, submits to lawmakers and courts nationwide.

Last spring, the Supreme Court cited these accounts as one reason to ban the late-term procedure that opponents call "partial-birth" abortion. The majority opinion suggested that the ban would protect women from a decision they might later regret.

Women's testimony was also used to justify a sweeping abortion ban passed in 2006 in South Dakota. (Voters overturned the ban before it could take effect.)

"It's a rule of thumb that if you want to get a law passed, you have to tell anecdotes that grab people," said Dr. Nada Stotland, president-elect of the American Psychiatric Assn. Antiabortion activists have done that well, she said. "They've succeeded in convincing a lot of the American public" that abortion leaves women wounded.

Now, those activists see an opportunity to dramatically expand the message.

The Justice Foundation recently began soliciting affidavits from men; one online link promises, "Your story will help legal efforts to end abortion." Silent No More encourages men to testify at rallies.

Therapist Vincent M. Rue, who helped develop the concept of post-abortion trauma, runs an online study that asks men to check off symptoms (such as irritability, insomnia and impotence) that they feel they have suffered as a result of an abortion. When men are widely recognized as victims, Rue said, "that will change society."

Abortion rights supporters watch this latest mobilization warily: If anecdotes from grieving women can move the Supreme Court, what will testimony about men's pain accomplish?

"They can potentially shift the entire debate," said Marjorie Signer of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, an interfaith group that supports abortion rights.

The concept of post-abortion trauma is hotly disputed. Several studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals suggest that women who have had abortions are more prone to depression or drug abuse. But the research does not prove cause and effect, Stotland said.

It may be, she said, that women who have abortions are more emotionally unstable in the first place. Abortion is one of the most common surgeries in the country, with more than 1 million performed a year; while some who chose the procedure surely come to regret it, doctors say they see no epidemic of trauma in either men or women.

But the activists leading the men's movement make clear they're not relying on statistics to make their case. They're counting on the power of men's tears.



January 9, 2008 · No Comments

One of the few conservative publications to expose Romney’s liberalism is the conservative weekly Human Events which (in a 2005 article) listed Romney at number eight on its list of “Top Ten Republicans in Name Only (RINOs).” Indeed, this report will demonstrate that Romney was probably the most pro-abortion and pro-gay rights Republican official in the nation for the last decade. The idea that he has suddenly become a conservative after a decade of liberal actions and statements would be merely amusing were it not for the fact that he’s running for the presidency and that many conservatives are falling for this act.

Top 10 RINOs (Republicans in Name Only)
Human Events 12/27/05 - (Mitt Romney is ranked #8)

In 2002, Romney responded to the National Abortion Rights Action League’s candidate survey: ”I respect and will protect a woman’s right to choose. This choice is a deeply personal one. Women should be free to choose based on their own beliefs, not mine and not the government’s. The truth is, no candidate in the governor’s race in either party would deny women abortion rights.” Notably, Romney refused to answer the candidate questionnaire sent to him by Massachusetts Citizens for Life.
- Boston Globe, 7/3/2005

“Conservative Comebacks to Liberal Lies” and Romney Lies

Keep in mind that Gregg [Jackson]is the author of “Conservative Comebacks to Liberal Lies,” a book that has earned rave reviews from the likes of Thomas Sowell (”political and media spin are shot to pieces by hard facts”) and David Limbaugh (”There is not a better one-stop-shop item to refute with evidence and examples the liberal lies.”)....

Howie Carr Let Romney Off the Hook on "Gay Marriage" Lies

Howie Carr, WRKO talk show host and Boston Herald columnist, had Romney on his show for a few minutes on December 21. Another WRKO host and writer, the alert Gregg Jackson (Pundit Review Radio, Sundays at 7 p.m.), heard Romney was on and called in to ask him a burning question: Why did the Governor issue the unconsitutional orders to his Dept. of Public Health, Town Clerks, and Justices of the Peace that began the phony homosexual "marriages" back in 2004? We broke this story shortly after it happened.

Now Howie should understand this issue, and what Romney was up to. He's received all of our research. Why didn't he challenge Romney when he evaded the question and lied? What's up, Howie?

Romney was specifically asked about changing the MARRIAGE LICENSES to read "Partner A & Partner B" (instead of "husband & wife"). But he did a little sleight of hand, hoping no one would notice he answered about BIRTH CERTIFICATES (which he hadn't ordered be changed from "father & mother"). This is how stupid he thinks we all are ... and maybe he will fool most of the people.

Listen to the audio here.

See Gregg Jackson, Mitt Zombie Calls Me "Delusional."

From BizzyBlog today: Mitt Romney Calls Gregg Jackson ‘Delusional’; What Does That Make Romney?
... Mass Resistance has posted the audio and transcript of a call that took place on the air during the Howie Carr show on the afternoon of December 21 on WRKO in Boston.
The caller was Gregg Jackson, who is co-host of Pundit Review Radio on Sunday evenings on WRKO and is co-proprietor at the Pundit Review blog. Howie Carr’s guest was Objectively Unfit Mitt Romney, who in the course of answering Jackson’s question, showed exactly why he is, indeed, objectively unfit.
Keep in mind that Gregg is the author of “Conservative Comebacks to Liberal Lies,” a book that has earned rave reviews from the likes of Thomas Sowell (”political and media spin are shot to pieces by hard facts”) and David Limbaugh (”There is not a better one-stop-shop item to refute with evidence and examples the liberal lies.”)....

"Romney, not the Courts, gave Massachusetts 'Same Sex Marriage'”

"Romney, not the Courts, gave Massachusetts 'Same Sex Marriage'”

Mitt Zombie Calls Me “Delusional”
Posted by Gregg on Jan 10, 2008 @ 15:02
Prior to Christmas, I had the opportunity to pose a very direct question on the Howie Carr Show about why former governor Romney ordered his Department of Health to change the marriage certificates from “husband” and “wife” to “partner A” and “partner B” without any accompanying legal statute and why he ordered his Justices of the Peace to solemnize and perform same sex marriage ceremonies or resign again without any accompanying legal statute which is illegal. Under the Massachusetts Constitution which John Adams authored:

“the people of the Commonwealth are not controllable by any other laws than those to which their constitutional representative body have given their consent.” (Article X of the Massachusetts Constitution)

Since there was no “court order” (merely a declaratory opionion without consequential relief) and the people via their elected represetatives never provided their “consent” for changing the current marriage statute chap 207 to allow for “same sex marriage” Romney had no legal authority to issue same sex marriage certificates. (the court didn’t even have the constitutional jurisdiction in the first place to even hear the case in and of itself an impeachable offense.)

I also asked him if it may have had anything to do with his promise he had made in a secret meeting with the Log Cabin Republicans in 2002 not to oppose “same sex marriage” in Massachusetts in order to get their endorsement for governor. He didn’t deny this meeting or said promise.

And he very furtively ducked my question about ordering his Department of Health to change the marriage certificates.

Our friend Tom Blumer of bizzyblog discusses this issue further and talks about the irony of Romney calling me “delusional”:

Mitt Romney Calls Gregg Jackson ‘Delusional’; What Does That Make Romney?
OVERVIEW: On a major Boston talk show just before Christmas, Mitt Romney called a leading conservative author “delusional.” You know what they say about people in glass houses.


Mass Resistance has posted the audio and transcript of a call that took place on the air during the Howie Carr show on the afternoon of December 21 on WRKO in Boston.

The caller was Gregg Jackson, who is co-host of Pundit Review Radio on Sunday evenings on WRKO and is co-proprietor at the Pundit Review blog. Howie Carr’s guest was Objectively Unfit Mitt Romney, who in the course of answering Jackson’s question, showed exactly why he is, indeed, objectively unfit.

Keep in mind that Gregg is the author of “Conservative Comebacks to Liberal Lies,” a book that has earned rave reviews from the likes of Thomas Sowell (”political and media spin are shot to pieces by hard facts”) and David Limbaugh (”There is not a better one-stop-shop item to refute with evidence and examples the liberal lies.”).

The former Massachusetts governor, according to this debate footage (first 30 seconds of so at linked video), wants to: “….. bring together the same coalition that Ronald Reagan put together, conservatives fiscally, conservatives from a military standpoint, and conservatives socially,” and says that “….. I was a conservative Republican in a very Democrat state.”

Let’s see how Mr. Coalition-Building Conservative handled perfectly legitimate questions from (sorry Gregg, I’m going to make you blush) one of the rising stars of conservative punditry (bolds are mine; explanations of footnoted items are at the end of this post):

read rest here

The fact that Romney lied about the court “legalizing same sex marriage” and that he was merely “following the law” when there is no such law is one of the primary reasons I have opposed his candidacy so vigorously. Romney, not the courts, gave Massachusetts “same sex marriage” and in the process shredded the oldest functioning constitution in the world. This alone I believe disqualifies him from the presidency.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Why is Heroes Hot?

Steve Ditko, the original artist and co-creator of the Spider-Man comic, said we need heroes.

The television series Heroes which "emulates the style of American comic books" is giving America this need.

Ditko explained that heroes in art and literature must be measured by the moral courage shown in objective good vs. evil choices.

The artist now seems prophetic for saying in the show that if we glorify the anti-hero in art, then anti-life and violence will come into our culture. The anti-heroes of the Columbine-like killings in public schools and the Sept. 11 terrorists seem to justify his claim.

What our American and global culture needs are heroes as models. In the program, the artist and co-creator of Spider-Man says, "Aristotle said that art is more important than history. History tells how man did act. Art shows how man should and could act. It creates a model.

"The self-flawed and anti-hero provide the heroic label without the need to act better. A crooked cop, a flawed cop, is not a valid model of a good law enforcer," Ditko said in the program. "An anti-cop corrupts the legal good, and an anti-hero corrupts the moral good."

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Heroes (TV series)
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Heroes summary
Heroes is an American science fiction serial drama television series created by Tim Kring. It premiered on NBC on September 25, 2006.[1] The show tells the story of several people who "thought they were like everyone else... until they realized they have incredible abilities." These people soon realize they have a role in preventing catastrophe and saving humanity. The series emulates the style of American comic books in aesthetic, as well as storytelling (i.e. short, multi-episode story arcs that build upon a larger, more encompassing arc). Kring said "we have talked about where the show goes up to five seasons."[2]

The first season attracted an average of 14.3 million viewers in the United States and received the highest rating for any NBC drama premiere in five years.[3] The first season's run consisted of 23 episodes; 24 episodes were ordered for the second season.[4] The second season of Heroes premiered on September 24, 2007,[5] but only 11 of 24 episodes have been broadcast,[6] due to the writers' strike.[7][8] The dispute also led to the postponement of a six episode spin-off, Heroes: Origins, which was originally expected to air in April and May of 2008.[9][10]


Utah Public Radio Trashed Catholism in Anti-Huckabee Skit

Catholic League: Jesus Trashed in Anti-Huckabee Skit
Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights (

UPDATE: Catholic Leagues efforts have paid off in this horrible example of blasphemy against the Eucharist.The skit was pulled and an apology was offered by KCPW, Utah's National Public Radio Station.Catholic league is to be commended.

Roman Catholic children usually make their First Holy Communion at the age of 7 or 8. It is a time of great celebration when the candidates usually wear white, if they are girls, and receive gifts to mark this special passage in their spiritual life. Towards the end of his life Napoleon was asked which had been the happiest day of his life. The questioner expected him to recollect one of his great military triumphs or his coronation as Emperor, but Napoleon replied, "The happiest day of my life was my First Holy Communion day." This may give you some idea how important this day is to a Catholic.
NEW YORK (Catholic League) - On January 7, an anti-Huckabee skit trashed Jesus on a radio show, “Fair Game with Faith Salie.” It aired on KCPW, Utah’s National Public Radio station. Here is a transcript of the offensive segment:

[Woman’s voice]: And now another Huckabee family recipe leaked by his opponents.

[Male Voice]: Tired of bland unsatisfying Eucharists? Try this Huckabee family favorite. Deep-Fried Body of Christ--boring holy wafers no more. Take one Eucharist. Preferably post transubstantiation. Deep-fry in fat, not vegetable oil, ladies, until crispy. Serve piping hot. Mike likes to top his Christ with whipped cream and sprinkles. But his wife Janet and the boys like theirs with heavy gravy and cream puffs. It goes great with red wine.

[Woman’s voice]: Now that is just ridiculous. Everyone knows evangelicals don’t believe in transubstantiation.

Catholic League president Bill Donohue responded as follows:

“We are lodging a complaint with Ed Sweeney, KCPW’s general manager. This kind of programming would be over-the-top on a shock-jock station, never mind a station funded by the taxpayers.

We would also like to know who was behind this assault on Jesus. Therefore, we are asking for an investigation. Whoever it was, he or she used presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee and evangelicals as foil, saving the real sucker punch for Roman Catholics.

This is despicable on several counts: it is blasphemous and bigoted. But it may also be motivated by a political calculus, making it really dirty if it is.”

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Huckabee said "Catholics are Right about Talking about Poverty, Disease and Hunger"

Huckabee seeks Catholic support
January 7th, 2008, filed by Ed Stoddard
CONCORD, NH - Republican presidential candidate and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee sees his conservative religious base as reaching beyond evangelical Protestants to Catholics as well.

Huckabee, an ordained Baptist preacher, won the Iowa caucus last week which kicks off the nominating process for the November presidential election, largely because of support from the state’s numerous evengelical community.

While campaigning in New Hampshire — where he is hoping for a solid third place finish in the state’s Tuesday primary — Huckabee told reporters on the bus on Monday that he felt his broad message resonated with many Catholics.

“Catholics were a major source of support for me in Arkansas. And they have been nationally. And it’s not only because of the pro-life and pro-family issues,” he said, refering to his opposition to abortion rights and gay marriage.

“I certainly believe that Catholics are right about talking about poverty, disease and hunger. Things I talk about … I think a lot of evengelicals have not talked enough about it quite frankly,” he said.

Huckabee’s remarks point to a strategy that sees a broader coalition than the old “Religious Right” — one that unites not only socially conservative Catholics and evengelicals but also those who see Biblical sanction for helping the poor.

Huckabee said that much of his campaign staff was Roman Catholic — so much so that when he looked at the list last August he said he thought “we need some Baptists in this bunch here.”

He also said that he believed that he was “one of the few people who as a Baptist pastor actually spoke in Catholic churches. My church used to have a joint service with a Catholic, Methodist and Presbyterian Church twice a year.”

Huckabee’s mix of economic populism and social conservatism also seems to be aimed at the “new evangelicals” such as Rich Cizik, vice-president for governmental affairs with the influential National Association of Evangelicals (NAE).

Religion plays a big role in U.S. politics where rates of belief and church attendance far exceed those that obtain in Europe. And with 60 million evangelcials and close to 70 million Catholics in a U.S. population of 300 million, they are two groups that no politician from either party can ignore.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Why are Pro-Abortion Groups not Attacking McCain or Romney?

-McCain is not sure if we should reverse Roe v. Wade.
-Romney was one of the most pro-abortion Republicans of the last decade.


Pro-Abortion Group Attacks Mike Huckabee, Bashes Him With New Hampshire Calls

Washington, DC ( -- Pro-life groups and advocates are split on endorsements for Republican presidential candidates, but pro-abortion organizations are heaping criticism on Mike Huckabee.

In their estimation, the former Arkansas governor is the worst on pro-life issues -- something Huckabee may wear as a badge of honor. Shortly after Huckabee's win in the Iowa caucuses, NARAL send out an email fundraising request hoping to generate $72,000 to contact pro-abortion Republican votes to oppose him in New Hampshire.

"Mike Huckabee's first place win in the Iowa caucuses is alarming for women," the group said in a copy of the email obtained.

"We must stop him before we face a presidential nominee who is arguably more anti-choice than even George W. Bush," the group adds. "NARAL ... needs your help ... to stop Huckabee’s momentum before the New Hampshire primary on January 8." NARAL criticizes Huckabee for supporting a human life amendment to the constitution protecting unborn children from abortion.

It worries such an amendment would also limit birth control, stem cell research and in-vitro fertilization.


John McCain Questioned on His Opposition to Abortion, GOP Pro-Life Platform

Washington, DC ( -- A pro-life advocate who works within the Republican Party is questioning presidential candidate John McCain's opposition to abortion and his position on a human life amendment.

The GOP platform currently supports a human life amendment that would afford legal protection for unborn children from abortions. McCain has a strong pro-life voting record in the Senate on abortion but has come under fire before for apparently flip-flopping on whether he supports the reversal of Roe v. Wade.

He's also disappointed pro-life advocates with his repeated votes for embryonic stem cell research funding. Colleen Parro, the head of the Republican National Coalition for Life, talked with the Cybercast News Service and said she is "not comfortable" with McCain's position on pro-life issues.

"It indicates that he is willing to vote for measures that regulate or restrict the practice of abortion," Parro said. "But in terms of ending legal abortion, there's no evidence he shares that goal with those of us that are pro-life." "His position in support of embryonic stem-cell research indicates that Mr. McCain is not truly pro-life.

If you support killing people at the very outset of their lives, then there is no possible way you would support ending legal abortion," she told CNS.

"Huckabee: The Only Top-tier Guy we can Count on to Stand for a Human Life and Marriage Amendment"

Rasmussen's most recent poll ranks the Republican candidates nationally as follows: 1) Huckabee – 20 percent
2) McCain – 19 percent
3) Rudy Giuliani – 17 percent
4) Mitt Romney – 15 percent

Here's my take on each of them:

Huckabee: The only top-tier guy we can count on to stand for a Human Life and Marriage Amendment.

We will choose the nominee
By Janet Folger


January 8, 2008

When I spoke at the WND "Take Back America Conference" Saturday, Joseph Farah introduced me by quoting my words to him prior to the Sept. 17 Values Voter Presidential Debate. Apparently, when I was talking him into moderating the debate, I told him that "the winner of this debate will be the nominee." Farah admitted he didn't believe it then, but the idea seems to be catching on – beginning with Iowans, where Mitt Romney's millions couldn't buy him the state.

Following Gov. Huckabee's stunning victory, I watched Mitt Romney's calculated response where he repeated the word "preacher" in interview after interview to describe the former Arkansas governor with more executive experience than any other candidate running. Interestingly, Romney ran from his "Bishop" status of the Mormon church where he served as lay "preacher" and "stake" president overseeing about a dozen Boston area parishes. In his "preacher" capacity, Romney "organized weekly church services and ministered to parishioners, offering spiritual guidance. … He heard confessions of sin and determined who is allowed to enter a Mormon temple." Funny that you don't hear Romney use the word "preacher" when referring to himself.

Rasmussen's most recent poll ranks the Republican candidates nationally as follows:

1) Huckabee – 20 percent
2) McCain – 19 percent

3) Rudy Giuliani – 17 percent

4) Mitt Romney – 15 percent

Here's my take on each of them:

Huckabee: The only top-tier guy we can count on to stand for a Human Life and Marriage Amendment.

McCain: Pushed "campaign finance reform" that would put a gag rule on citizen groups like Wisconsin Right to Life, who McCain sued when they suggested people actually contact their senators to let them know how they felt about the filibuster on judicial nominees. He was also one of the gang of 14 who kept the filibuster alive. He also voted against the Marriage Protection Amendment.

Rudy Giuliani: The most like Hillary, or "Hilliani:" for abortion on demand, and for two men getting "married." We won't beat Hillary with "Hillary light."

Mitt Romney: Flipped on life, marriage, immigration, gun control, pornography and taxes. The only thing he hasn't flipped on is special rights for homosexuals. He recently told "Meet the Press" that he supported state "ENDAs," or Employment Non-discrimination Acts – special rights for homosexuals in the workplace. If you don't agree, he's for closing you down just like he did Catholic Charities of Boston who closed their doors rather than place orphan children in the homes of homosexual activists instead of with a mom and dad. On the same program, Tim Russert pointed out that Romney raised "fees" – the same thing as taxes – but Romney doesn't see it that way. If you are still considering casting a vote for Romney, watch this.

And now Romney lost his lead in New Hampshire to McCain, with Huckabee, who wasn't supposed to even compete there, currently ranking third. Here's how things are expected to play out today with the Democrats: An average of the polls ranks: Obama: 36.9, Clinton: 29.1 and Edwards: 18.8. By the way, when watching the results, a fun game you can play at home is to count the political clichés and the word "change" in Obama's speeches.

Here's my take on the Democratic front-runners:

Barack Hussein Obama: Nobody really knows just how radical this guy is. If a child survives an abortion, Obama won't even protect them. Tell that to Theresa Ippoliti and Gianna Jessen – who survived their abortions – and were live born babies that Obama would simply not protect. In 2002, Obama voted against the Induced Infant Liability Act – (similar to the Born Alive Infant Protection Act which passed the U.S. Senate unanimously by a voice vote) which would have protected babies that survived late-term abortions. That makes him even more pro-death than the National Abortion Rights Action League, who didn't oppose the bill.

Hillary Rodham Clinton: She won't cry over the death of 50 million children. She won't cry over the deaths on 9/11; she'll only tear up when it looks like she's going to lose in New Hampshire, as well as Iowa.

John Edwards: Don't let the smile fool you; former National Abortion Rights Action League President Kate Michelman is working for this guy as a senior adviser.

I couldn't really tell you who's the most evil.

For the voters everywhere, Faith2Action has prepared a guide on the positions of the candidates of both parties. We've included their answers from speeches and debates, including our Values Voter Debate, on abortion, marriage, immigration, Islamofascism, the war in Iraq and the concerns about a North American Union.

These Values Voter reports can be found in the Call2Action section of Faith2Action. Here are the direct links: Republican and Democratic. Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel has approved them for distribution, so pass them out at your church and to everyone else you know!

I said it before, I'll say it again: Values Voters are going to determine the outcome of this election. Don't believe me? Wait and see. One more prediction: With this election, we're going to take back the Supreme Court of the United States, stop the killing of unborn children, protect the institution of marriage and regain our freedoms of speech and religion. We're going to take back America. You heard it here first.


Related offers:

Taking America Back


Janet L. Folger is president of Faith2Action*: turning people of faith into people of action to WIN the cultural war TOGETHER for life, liberty and the family. Author of "The Criminalization of Christianity," she hosts a daily radio program from 2-3 p.m. Eastern and a daily radio commentary heard in 100 markets and at
* Title and affiliation for identification purposes only.


Monday, January 07, 2008

"Huckabee is by Far the Most Eloquent Defender of Human Life"

--- wrote:

> 07 January 2008 Vol. 10 / No. 1
> Dear Colleague,
> Voters in the first of the fifty states have cast
> their votes, and the top four Republican finishers
> are all, to varying degrees, pro-life. The top four
> Democratic finishers in Iowa, on the other hand, are
> all on the other side of the abortion divide.
> Regardless of who the nominees are, the party of
> life will once again face the party of abortion in
> the general election. Pro-lifers, it now appears,
> will have a clear choice, not an echo.
> Steven W. Mosher
> What Mike Huckabee's Victory in Iowa Means for
> Pro-Lifers
> by Steven W. Mosher
> Now that the Iowa caucuses are over, pro-lifers can
> breathe a sigh of relief. For their worst case
> scenario--that the nominees of both major parties
> would be pro-abortion--has probably been averted.
> There was a time when it seemed that Rudy Giuliani,
> who is emphatically not pro-life, might be the
> Republican nominee. But his dismal showing in
> Iowa--he placed sixth--has probably taken him out of
> contention. His refusal to contest New Hampshire as
> well, where the latest polls show him in single
> digits, is another nail in his political coffin. His
> strategy now, if it can be called that, is to
> retreat to the sidelines in the hope that the other
> candidates fight each other to a standstill, and
> then to win big in Florida. But the Sunshine State's
> primary is still a month away, and Iowa winner Mike
> Huckabee has already pulled even with him in the
> polls there. The odds against Giuliani's long-shot
> strategy succeeding are lengthening by the hour.
> All of this is good news for pro-lifers. Simply put,
> it will be a disaster for the pro-life cause if
> Giuliani, or any Republican who is less than
> thoroughly pro-life, is nominated, and an even
> greater disaster if they are actually elected.
> Here's why.
> The bully pulpit of the presidency would fall into
> the hands of someone who is indifferent to the
> tragedy of abortion. Not only would a President
> Giuliani not speak out against the practice, as Bush
> currently does at the annual March for Life, he
> would actively promote the idea that it is not the
> proper role of government to protect the lives of
> innocent unborn children. As far as enforcement is
> concerned, the Born-Alive Infants' Protection Act
> would become a dead letter. And the likelihood of
> new legislation--banning sex-selective abortion, for
> example--would shrink to the vanishing point.
> As bad as ceding the White House to someone of such
> sentiments would be, Giuliani's nomination would
> bring an even worse prospect into view, namely, that
> of losing the Republican party as the party of life.
> In this case, the pro-life movement would become a
> political orphan.
> The Republican party, it should be recalled, was not
> always pro-life. It became so only with the
> nomination of Ronald Reagan, who pushed for a
> pro-life plank to be added to the party platform
> drafted and approved at the Republican convention of
> 1980. The nomination of Rudi Giuliani could very
> well see this same process unfold in reverse, if not
> immediately then at the next presidential election
> cycle in 2012.
> Against these grim prospects, Giuliani offered the
> hope and the promise that he would nominate justices
> in the mold of John Roberts and Samuel Alito. Don't
> count on it. Previous presidents with far stronger
> convictions than Giuliani have found it difficult to
> keep such pledges. Witness the Harriet Myers
> debacle. Giuliani, whose moral compass points in the
> wrong direction in any case, and who will be
> surrounded by staffers who reflect and reinforce his
> indifference towards life will, in my view, find it
> impossible.
> If Giuliani's defeat bodes well for pro-lifers, then
> so does Mike Huckabee's victory. For of the top four
> finishers, Huckabee is by far the most eloquent
> defender of human life. He speaks with heartfelt
> conviction, even passion, on the issue of the
> unborn. Moreover, he is the only one of the
> candidates to support the passage of a Human Life
> Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which would once
> and for all ban all abortions throughout all fifty
> states. This is not mere rhetoric. As governor of
> Arkansas, he fought for--and won--the passage of
> just such an amendment.
> This is not to say that I am endorsing Mike
> Huckabee. Nor is it to say that I doubt the pro-life
> convictions of John McCain and Fred Thompson--or
> even of Mitt Romney, a late convert to the pro-life
> cause--but only to point out that the other
> first-tier candidates have all had trouble actually
> explaining the grounds for their pro-life positions.
> Some have, truth be told, hardly tried.
> Romney, of course, has the most to explain, since
> his record is littered with quotes like this one:
> "On a personal basis, I don't favor abortion.
> However, as governor of the commonwealth, I will
> protect a woman's right to choose under the laws of
> the country and the commonwealth. That's the same
> position I've had for many years." (Erik Arvidson,
> Lowell Sun, March 20, 2002)
> Romney now says that America is ready to overturn
> Roe v. Wade and return to the states the authority
> to permit or prohibit abortions, as the case may be.
> But when pressed on his earlier views on abortion,
> he says simply that he was "wrong." This brief and
> curiously bloodless explanation begs the question
> for many pro-lifers, who wonder whether his change
> of heart was a matter of deep soul-searching, or
> mere political convenience.
> McCain, on the other hand, has a perfect pro-life
> voting record in the Senate. He calls Roe v. Wade a
> bad decision, and says that he supports the rights
> of the unborn. But he is dogged by a statement he
> made in 1999 to the effect that "In the short term,
> or even the long term, I would not support repeal of
> Roe vs. Wade, which would then force X number of
> women in American to undergo illegal and dangerous
> operations."
> The Senator now says that this statement was made in
> the context of the prior need to change the culture
> of America with regard to the abortion issue. Yet
> what are pro-lifers to conclude from even his
> defense than that he is unwilling to fight the
> abortion status quo. But what they want is a
> president who, like Ronald Reagan, is willing to use
> his moral authority to actively promote a culture of
> Life, not one who passively waits for a change in
> tide of public opinion.
> Then there is Fred Thompson, whose early endorsement
> by the National Right to Life Committee surprised
> many pro-lifers. He, like Romney and McCain, has not
> always been pro-life, and even now would not ban all
> abortions. Consider this revealing exchange on Meet
> the Press:
> Q: You said in 1994 as a Senate candidate, "I'm not
> willing to support laws that prohibit early-term
> abortions. I'm not suddenly upon election as a
> senator going to know when life begins. It comes
> down to whether you believe life begins at
> conception. I don't know in my own mind if that is
> the case so I don't feel the law ought to impose
> that standard on other people." So you yourself
> don't know when life begins?
> A: No. I didn't know then.
> Q: You know now?
> A: My public position has always been the same. I've
> been 100% pro-life in every vote that I've ever
> cast.
> Q: Do you believe that life begins at conception, so
> abortion is the taking of a human life?
> A: Yes, I do.
> Q: But you would allow abortion to be performed in
> states if chosen by states for people who think
> otherwise?
> A: I do not think that you can have a law that cuts
> off an age group or something like that. It cannot
> change the way I feel about it morally, but legally
> and practically, I've got to recognize that fact.
> (Source: Meet the Press: 2007 "Meet the Candidates"
> series, Nov 4, 2007)
> I often find Thompson's answers unintelligible. Here
> he
=== message truncated ===

Sunday, January 06, 2008

"Homosexual Acts are Intrinsically Disordered"

"Homosexual Acts are Intrinsically Disordered"

Steve Mosher, head of the Population Research Institute (PRI), said that the media are "misrepresenting" and "exaggerating" the "pedophilia crisis" in the Catholic Church. According to him and other speakers at a recent PRI pro-life conference in Santa Clara, Calif., a major problem in the American Catholic Church, and specifically in the San Francisco Bay Area, is homosexuality. Mosher contended that the present Church crisis is not about pedophilia, but about homosexuality.

"Only a tiny fraction of the priesthood has ever been guilty of this kind of indiscretion [pedophilia]. The vast majority is engaging in homosexual acts with young men after the age of puberty. True pedophilia is very rare," Mosher said. "This is not pedophilia if it is past puberty. These are priests who are acting out on homosexual impulses and preying on adolescent young men. So you have to understand that is why the Vatican is saying homosexuals shouldn't be ordained into the priesthood."

The Vatican, according to Mosher, has always considered homosexuality to be a grave sin and therefore has said that men with that inclination should not to be allowed into the priesthood.

He said that the Church wants to protect young men who could become victims of homosexual predators. At the same time it also seeks to protect young men who might become predators by keeping them out of a role in which they could abuse their authority. He thinks these and other homosexuals need to be reached out to with the message of God's mercy.

"We need to reach out to people of homosexual inclination with the same message of the gospel that I was reached with when I was a sinner. I don't claim any moral superiority here. I think all grave sins are potentially fatal to the soul. I was reached by my wife and children," Mosher said, "but I think when you become a member of a subculture, it's very difficult to reach you. We need to reach people like that with a message that will not only save their soul, but, with the scourge of AIDs as well, save their lives."

Mosher related that this issue was of " particular concern" to him because he has a sister who, after a bad marriage, went to San Francisco and became part of the lesbian community. He said, "We are still praying for her today. So this is an issue that has touched our lives."

According to Dr. Stanley Monteith, M.D., an author and talk show host in Northern California, the "tragedy" is that a lot of people are "trapped" in this lifestyle with no hope of getting out.

"They are being told, 'You can't get out of this. You are born this way.' But the average homosexual needs to be told that God loves him. They can leave that lifestyle anytime they want because they weren't born that way," Monteith said. "It becomes a sexual addiction, but they can get out of the gay lifestyle. If they couldn't, then how did Ellen DeGeneres' partner just happen to leave her and marry a man? No one wants to point that out, because if she was born that way, why is she married now?"

The Catechism of the Catholic Church agrees with Monteith when it states in section 2357 that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered ... under no circumstances can they be approved." Nowhere in the Catechism is there the "political agenda" that presumes an "unchangeable" natural biological or genetic basis for acts it calls "intrinsically disordered."

"The argument over genetics is a curious one. If homosexuality is genetically inherited, then ... [i]dentical twins must be either both heterosexual or both homosexual, and we know this is not the case. It has been documented in cases of identical twins where only one was homosexual," Director of Family Life for the Diocese of Duluth, Minn., Dick Frost said. "Biologically, two men do not fit together to procreate, nor do two women. Biologically, it is impossible."

Moreover, Dr. Monteith said that there is a difference between being homosexual and being gay. When one is homosexual, there is a same-sex attraction; but when the term gay is used, one becomes part of a "political agenda." According to him, the pedophilia Church crisis is part of the media's political agenda to discredit the Catholic Church because of its stance on homosexuality and other moral issues.

"This is being exploited and media-driven to actually challenge the faith of Catholics," Monteith said. "My Protestant faith wasn't broken by Jimmy Swaggart and Jessie Jackson and other ministers who have betrayed their calling."

Dr. Alice von Hildebrand, Ph.D., an internationally known philosopher, agreed with the doctor. She said priests who have betrayed their calling wouldn't break the faith of Catholics. But she did give a stern message to the American bishops.

"He permitted Judas to betray Him. But He did rise on the third day and re-conquered. So the last word of the Catholic or Christian is Christ is risen and He will conquer," Hildebrand said to the bishops of the United States. "Go on your knees and pray and make sacrifices and ask God for the gift of faith for realizing in many ways you have failed your sheep."

When Steve Mosher was asked what message he would give the American bishops if he were given the opportunity, he said his message would be that "there is no priest shortage in the dioceses, which are led by bishops who preach the fullness of the truths of the Catholic faith.

"We have actually done studies in those dioceses where there is a willingness – a courageous willingness – to speak about the biblical/moral issues of our day. To speak about premarital sex and why it's wrong, to speak about the need to practice chastity both before and after marriage, to speak about the fact that homosexuality is a grave sin," Mosher said. "Those bishops who are preaching on this issue have no shortage of young men who are brought by the Holy Spirit to them, to join them in their teaching ministry."

"As a Communicator [Huckabee] Ties Ronald Reagan"

By Tom Roeser ::
Personal Asides:

Posted: 04 Jan 2008 06:02 AM CST

Iowa II: The Republicans.

The strong likelihood (to me at least) that Barack Obama will capture the heart of the left-leaning Democratic party, duplicating the dance of death they had with George McGovern, is the best news John McCain could ever hope to receive. Obama's likely nomination really means that he should be countered with the very strongest amalgam of heroism and experience possible to concoct. You will remember that I am and will probably always be a Mitt Romney man. But were I back in the business I once had of calculating the averages, I would say that the Republican party's best choice would be to nominate John McCain-because for no other reason than Obama will be the likely Democratic nominee. The second spot on the ticket should by all logic go to Romney (even though McCain and he intensely dislike each other). In a year of severe financial hardship for Republican fund-raisers, the vice presidential nominee worth $600 million will be able to take a tremendous financial load off the shoulders of the party.

You will wonder why I don't mention Huckabee first because by all odds his is a wonder story-someone very like Obama except in one particular: he was not favored with the money Obama has had in his campaign and still has done very well to unseat the best a multi-millionaire can offer. I don't think Huckabee will be going very much farther than this despite the fact that he is as much a natural politician as there has been in my lifetime. In a sense as a communicator he ties Ronald Reagan. Their styles are different: Reagan often a lower key speaker, Huckabee a more colorful and vivid personality (yes, that's right!).

Huckabee's great strength is not his being a Baptist minister who is supported by evangelicals. His great strength is that he has mastered the difference between a Pat Robertson who crusaded as a pulpit guy with Calvinistic values, and a man Huckabee is: a man's man, a brilliant story teller, one who doesn't mind descending into raw joke telling that shucks the ministerial somber aura. Take for instance his comment on Leno that he and Bill Clinton come from the same town-but that Clinton lived in Hope, Arkansas for only six years. "He always referred to himself as The Man from Hope," said Huckabee to Leno's very secular audience, "although he moved early in life to Hot Springs. You know, he's very smart deciding not to be known as the man from Hot Springs."

The secular crowd erupted. This is why Huckabee is so much better than just a Baptist minister. He's a Baptist minister who can go down-and-dirty with the best of `em. But there are serious things that will prevent, I think, Huckabee's nomination for president. His Fair Tax plan is as zany as the people who crafted it in the first place-the Church of Scientology, the residential church of Tom Cruise. I have reported elsewhere its derelictions. That tax plan cannot be tolerated by a Republican party that is at all sophisticated on economics as the business party is portends. If... and this is a big if... McCain wants to run with Huckabee with Huckabee the vice president, well okay. The tax plan will be subordinated to whatever plan McCain endorses anyhow. Then Huckabee could be an asset. His view on trade which is not my view is needed to be retained for the pragmatic purpose of binding in, no, not just evangelicals, but working people. Mike Huckabee is the best composite of blue collar America it is possible to find. He would have wide appeal as a veep candidate to non-union, working class people. He has infinite capacity for communication. In fact he is a communicating genius. In that sense... and only that sense... would I allow him on the ticket-with the proviso that he junks the Fair Tax.

Beginning a Series: Republican Presidential Candidates and Their Quirks.

One need not even mention that John McCain is a patriot because it is super-evident. Not just because of his noble experience but due to his sturdy reliance on winning the Iraq War, statements made when the War was being lost and could have dragged him under. He didn't care; he gained great admiration in my book for that. In his earlier days he was a lecher and kind of womanizing tramp who forsook his wife because she lost her looks in an automobile accident that happened when he was held captive. Disgusting episode. He married a super-rich looker of a woman and moved to her state where he could benefit immeasurably from her money and family power, the decision paying off by his being elected Senator. You think that's not a character impoverishment? He then got involved with the Keating Five which misused senatorial power to gross effect. To clean his skirts he became a reformer-but a reformer that did not cast askance at the First Amendment and with the flare of a carnival barker hooted the McCain-Feingold bill to passage, intimidating a sadly erring George Bush to sign it, Bush hoping the Supremes would invalidate it.

For a time McCain let his petty anger at Bush for beating him in South Carolina and derailing his presidential hopes get the best of him. This canard that Bush pushed the idea of McCain fathering a black baby is wrong: some far-right nut not in touch with the Bush people did it... and I know who it was. McCain then allowed himself to be turned overnight into a liberal press icon: crusading for a number of liberal programs, berating evangelical Christian leaders-the worst kind of demagoguery which gained him plaudits in the liberal press. This ended with his opposition to so-called water-boarding of terrorist captives which set the tiny pulses of the liberal news empire pounding with joy.

But here is the good luck of living long, in furtherance of 2008 ambition he has returned to his natural bent and is very likely the best thing to happen to the United States at this present time. His career in a testimonial to the crazy tilt-a-whirl ride politics is. Had he died at age 70 he would be regarded as a Vietnam hero and later politician-that's all. He has a good possibility of becoming the best thing that ever happened to the United States of America as a presidential candidate, possibly the only one (now that Rudy has torpedoed of his own excesses) who can beat either Hillary or Obama who will benefit from the U. S. voter desperately wanting to scrub the GOP. Already McCain has coined the most telling epigram of the campaign and maybe of all modern campaigns. After Hillary introduced the appropriation rider for federal money to preserve the glories of the hippie peacenik park which glorified in drugs, long-hair and carnality performed to the staccato of rock drums, McCain commented that he did not attend that concert at Woodstock because "I was tied up at the time." Glorious.

As to old misgivings, I can never forgive McCain for teaming with Feingold but McCain-Feingold has been satisfactorily trimmed somewhat by the Supreme Court anyhow, which is not to Bush's great prestige nor McCain's. But showing that redemption comes even to heroes turned carny hustlers, McCain returned to his highest pinnacle in support of winning the war in Iraq... even higher than his prisoner-of-war experienced since as almost the sole Senate leader touting victory, he was doing it at a very precarious price. He is Exhibit A as an exemplar that conservatives should never write off late blooming Republican liberals (among whom I list South Carolina's Lindsay Graham (noted for his far-sighted support of Harriet Miers by telling her conservative critics to, in his beguiling cracker twang "shaddup" The best thing that happened to Bush's juridical legacy is that they did not).

. McCain's day of moving back to the right may well be coming. For the first time in many years, I could really get enthused about the spectacle of McCain running against Obama. Or Hillary. But particularly Obama who is a Hollywood producer's dream cum nightmare. This Obama guy is just another Jimmy Carter but without the grits or even semblance of grit.