Saturday, November 27, 2004

Nietzschean Psychoanalysis and the Catholic Scandal

This is the first draft of one of the chapters in my book Hidden Axis.


Nietzschean Psychoanalysis and the Catholic Scandal

Professor Allan Bloom, a philosopher who wrote "The Closing of the American Mind," thought that Friedrich Nietzsche was the father of modern America. He said, "Words such as 'charisma,' 'lifestyle,' 'commitment,' 'identity,' and many others, all of which can easily be traced to Nietzsche ... are now practically American slang."

But the most important Nietzschean slang word is "values."

"Values" are the death of Christian morality because values simply mean opinions. If opinion is how things are decided, then might makes right.

One must remember that whenever someone talks about values in modern America – family values or religious values or place-the-blank-in-front-of values – they are saying there is no real or objective right or wrong – only opinions of the self and its will to power.

Nietzsche's philosophy is summed up by Bloom as
Commitment values the values and makes them valuable. Not love of truth but intellectual honesty characterizes the proper state of mind. Since there is no truth in the values, and what truth there is about life is not lovable, the hallmark of the authentic will is consulting one's oracle while facing up to what one is and what one experiences. Decisions, not, deliberations, are the movers of deeds. One cannot know or plan the future. One must will it. As a philologist, Nietzsche believed there was no original text and transferred this belief to reality, which he thought was only pure chaos. He proposed will to power in which one imposes or "posits" one's values on a meaningless world.

Previous to Freud's psychoanalysis, Nietzsche's writings spoke of the unconscious and destructive side of the self. In fact, Freud wrote that Nietzsche "had a more penetrating knowledge of himself than any other man who ever lived or was likely to live."

Max Weber and Sigmund Freud are the two writers most responsible for Nietzschean language in America. Few know that Freud was " profoundly influenced by Nietzsche," according to Bloom. Freud, much more than Weber, profoundly changed America from a Christian culture to a therapeutic or self-centered culture.

The therapeutic approaches, which started with Freud, have a basic assumption that is not Christian. The starting point is not the Christian worldview, which is summed up in the parable of the prodigal son: a fallen and sinful world with persons needing God the Father to forgive them so they can return to be His sons and daughters.

Unlike the Christian worldview, the therapeutic starting point is that the individual must overcome personal unconscious forces, in Freud, and in Carl Jung the person must unite to the collective unconscious, which is shared by all humans.

In both cases, the therapist assists his client to change himself to 'become his real self.' Forgiveness and returning to God are not needed. What is needed are not God and His Forgiveness, but a therapist assisting a self to reach the fullness of its self.

Freud, under the influence of Nietzsche, moved psychiatry away from the mechanistic and biological to the previously "unscientific" model of the "symbolic language of the unconscious."

Freud's pupil Carl Jung took the symbolic language of the unconscious a step further. Unlike his mentor, Jung's unconscious theory is not just about making conscious sexually repressed or forgotten memories. His symbolic therapy used what he called the "active imagination" to incorporate split-off parts of the unconscious (complexes) into the conscious mind.

He believed with Freud that dreams and symbols are means to the unconscious, but for Jung the dream and symbol are not repressed lusts from stages of development. They are a way to unite with the collective unconsciousness.

Many Christians thought this "language of the soul" was a step forward from what they considered the cramped scientific reality of modernity. What they didn't understand was that Jung's theory was part of a movement that led to the rejection of objective morality and truth.

Jungian (and Freudian) psychoanalysis reduces Christian concepts such as God, free will and intelligence to blind reactions, unconscious urges and uncontrollable acts. Even more disastrous, Jung inverted Christian worship.

Leanne Payne, a Christian therapist, considers Jung "not a scientist, but a post-modernist subjectivist. Jung's active imagination therapy is hostile not only to the Judeo-Christian worldview, but to all systems containing objective moral and spiritual value. Within this world the unconscious urge becomes god. What the unconscious urge wants is what is finally right or moral. These psychic personae [complexes] are literally called 'gods' (archetypes),' and so an overt idolatry of self follows quickly."

Within the modern French Nietzschean schools of thought, a type of Jungian unconscious urge is replacing the old existential conscious self who chooses. The post-modernist is moving from the idolatry of self to the idolatry of autonomous inner "beings" that, according to Payne, are similar to pagan "gods."

As C.S. Lewis predicted in "The Screwtape Letters," we are moving to a "scientific" paganism. C.S. Lewis' name for the "scientific" pagan was the Materialist Magician and the name of the autonomous inner "beings" was the "Forces."

In "The Screwtape Letters," his character who is a senior evil spirit said:

I have high hopes that we shall learn in due time how to emotionalise and mythologise their science to such an extent that what is, in effect, belief in us (though not under that name) will creep in while the human mind remains closed to the Enemy [God]. The "Life Force," the worship of sex, and some aspects of Psychoanalysis may here prove useful. If once we can produce our prefect work – the Materialist Magician, the man, not using, but veritably worshipping, what he vaguely calls "Forces" while denying the existence of "spirits" – then the end of the war will be in sight.

Some of the largest audiences for this "scientific" paganism with its inversion of worship and the Judeo-Christian worldview are followers of Christ. By using Christian symbols and terminology, Jungian spirituality has infiltrated to a large extent Christian publishers, seminaries, even convents and monasteries.

Many Christians are using Jung's active imagination as a method of prayer. Psychiatrist Jeffrey Satinover, M.D., thinks this is dangerous "because this fantasy life has no moral underpinnings, because it helps to reinforce an experience of autonomous inner 'beings' accessible via the imagination, and because it is a defense against redemptive suffering, it easily allies with and quickly becomes a Gnostic form of spiritually with powerfully occult overtones."

If one is under the influence of the autonomous inner "beings," uncontrollable urges can overpower the self. One can go temporarily or permanently insane. And in the Christian worldview, the autonomous inner "being" is not always just an imaginary being, but can be a personal being, which then makes possession a rare, but not impossible, occurrence.

In fact, according to one Jungian therapist, Nietzsche himself went insane permanently when an autonomous inner "being" (archetype) overpowered him. So, unfortunately with the widespread acceptance of Jungian spirituality, mainstream Christianity seems to be moving to post-modern Nietzschean insanity and possibly, in some cases, possession.

Jung's autobiography is full of insane or occult experiences. He was continually hearing 'voices.' In his autobiography he said his home was "... crammed full of spirits ... they were packed deep right up to the front door and the air was so thick it was scarcely possible to breathe."

During the Hitler regime, which itself was obsessed with the occult, Jung edited a Nazi psychotherapeutic journal where he said, "The 'Aryan' unconscious has a higher potential than the Jewish." Keep that word "potential" in your mind. It will be used by American psychology.

Once opinion is master, then might makes right. In "Beyond Good and Evil," Nietzsche proclaimed a new morality, "Master morality," which was different from Christian morality – or "slave morality," as he called it. He thought the weak have the morality of obedience and conformity to the master. Masters have a right to do whatever they want; since there is no God, everything is permissible.

In what Nietzsche considered his masterpiece, "Zarathustra," he said the new masters would replace the dead God. The masters were to be called Supermen, or the superior men.

After Freud and Jung came Alfred Adler, also a follower of Nietzsche, with "Individual psychology," which maintains that the individual strives for what he called "superiority" but now is called "self-realization" or "self-actualization," and which came from Nietzsche's ideas of striving and self-creation.

The "human potential movement" and humanistic psychology of Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers are imbedded with these types of ideas. The psychologists of "potential" teach the superior man.

Edvard Munch said:

Alfred Adler translated Nietzsche's philosophical idea of "will to power" into the psychological concept of self-actualization. Thus, Nietzschean thought forms the foundation for and permeates Alfred Adler's Individual Psychology, Abraham Maslow's Humanistic Biology, Carl Rogers's Person-Centered Psychology, and has influenced many other psychological ideas and systems. ... Alfred Adler was the first psychologist to borrow directly from Nietzsche, making numerous references to the philosopher throughout his works. Adler took Nietzsche's idea of "will to power" and transformed it into the psychological concept of self-actualization, in which an individual strives to realize his potential.

Mary Kearns, in an address to the Catholic Head Teachers Association of Scotland, spoke of the Nietzschean ideas now being taught in Catholic schools in the name of "scientific" psychology. Kearns said:

The methods are based on "the group therapy technique" first developed in America in the 1970's by two psychologists, Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow. They described how emotional conditioning should be carried out by a group "facilitator". The facilitator does not impart knowledge like the old fashioned teacher. Instead he/she initiates discussions encouraging children to reveal their personal views and feelings. The facilitator's approach is "value free". There is no right or wrong answer to any religious or moral question. Each person discloses what is right or wrong for them. All choices are equally valid even if they are opposites. Everything depends on feelings or emotions. Reason and conscience are discouraged. If anyone attempts objective evaluation, they are to be treated as an "outsider" and there will be a strong emotional reaction against such "judgemental intolerance". If it is true that Catholic education now uses these techniques in "teaching religious and moral education," then the Catholic education system has entered into the Nietzschean insanity. If these are the techniques being used in education and in the seminaries, then sexual misconduct charges against priests are a symptom of "scientific" paganism replacing Christianity.

Santa Rosa priest Don Kimball, who is charged with sexual misconduct, is an example of someone whose "approach" was "value free" – that is, there was "no right or wrong answer to any religious or moral question."
In 1996, Karyn Wolfe and Mark Spaulding of Pacific Church News said, "THE WEDGE! You can't do youth ministry (any ministry for that matter) without it. ... Basing his theory on psychologist Abraham Maslow's 'Hierarchy of Needs', the Rev. Don Kimball developed this model for the growth and maturity process of a group."

Another example of the value-free approach is Thomas Zanzig, a major leader in the Catholic Church for youth ministry, plus an editor and writer of Catholic textbooks.

According to Marks S. Winward, Zanzig, in a book on youth ministry, "bases his 'Wedge Model' on a similar model developed by Fr. Don Kimble." Homeschool leader Marianna Bartold said, "Sharing the Christian Message by Thomas Zanzig has students come up with as many slang or street words as possible for penis and vagina in three or four minutes."

Now, many might say these are only isolated cases of misuses of Maslow and Adler until one reads the original text. According to William Coulson, a former collaborator of Carl Rogers,
Maslow was always a revolutionary. ... In 1965, working a radical idea about children and adult sex into his book about management, "In Eupsychian Management: A Journal," [Maslow said]: "I remember talking with Alfred Adler about this in a kind of joking way, but then we both got quite serious about it, and Adler thought that this sexual therapy at various ages was certainly a very fine thing. As we both played with the thought, we envisioned a kind of social worker ... as a psychotherapist in giving therapy literally on the couch." As one can see, the basic therapeutic assumption leads to certain results in the real world. These thinkers don't believe in the basic Christian assumption that there is a need for forgiveness from God. Instead, they believe there is no sin, only selves needing to reach the fullness of themselves.

It is understandable that atheists such as Nietzsche, Maslow and Adler could hold these basic assumptions, but that Christians and priests hold these assumptions is a disgrace. The denial of original sin and personal sin is, in large part, behind the headlines of the Boston catastrophe and other dioceses.

The failure of these Catholic bishops is a failure to teach the faith and moral teachings of Jesus Christ. Getting rid of a few priests will not solve the problem if these basic assumptions stay, because more – only cleverer – sex abusers will rise up to take their place.

I feel sorry for these bishops and other Church leaders if they don't take a look at themselves and repent of these basic assumptions in their dioceses. They must eventually come face to face with the Living God. He is the Father of these little ones who have been scandalized and abused.

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Sunday, November 21, 2004

Psychiatric Expert on Post-Abortion Trauma Calls Hidden Axis of Evil “Profoundly Important”

Psychiatric Expert on Post-Abortion Trauma Calls Hidden Axis of Evil “Profoundly Important”

This book successfully exposes certain aspects of the culture of death both within Church and Society.

The first few chapters examine the underlying reason for abortion and what our response ought to be from the president down - that we ought to present women considering abortion with the whole truth, and we ought to give women who are suffering from post abortion trauma every assistance, particularly as they are at risk of considering a second abortion.

A fascinating chapter is on Nietzschean psychoanalysis. So many words we use today can be traced back to Nietzsche: charisma, lifestyle and, above all, values. Since, according to Nietzsche, there is no absolute truth, we must be committed to what we feel are values in a meaningless world. Nietzsche's disciples included Freud and Jung. Jungian spirituality has certainly infiltrated the church.

Martinez notes that John Walker Lindh became a Muslim after his father divorced his mother to move in with a homosexual. This was not mentioned in the Media. The vast majority of Priests involved in the sex abuse scandal to hit the USA were homosexuals, not pedophiles - again, not mentioned in the Media. The New York Times remains receptive to the gay agenda because "three-fourths of those who regularly attend the daily meetings that determine what will be on the front page the next morning are not - so- closeted homosexuals."
Some more quotes from this splendid work: "Many of the Church's key sexuality advisors are associated with the agenda created by Dr. Alfred Kinsey."

"Anne Barrett Doyle and her organisation Voice of the Faithful (VOTF) have also taken part in the cover- up of the link between homosexuality and sexual abuse by priests"

This book makes for difficult reading at times. But we live in difficult times for both Church and society, and that is what makes the book so profoundly important.

Dr. Thevathasan, MB.BS, MRCPsych. MSc., is a Consultant Psychiatrist, a member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists and an expert on post-abortion trauma.

He obtained his medical degree in London, and subsequently gained membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists while training at the University Hospital of Wales.

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Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Is there a Kinsey "Agenda" at Catholic Schools?

Is there a Kinsey “Agenda” at Catholic Schools?

Zogby International reported in a survey of 1,003 high school students that 80% of Catholic seniors believe homosexuals should have the right to marry according to the September 6th, 2002, the Catholic weekly The Wanderer.

In recent polls only "about one-third of adults" said gay marriages should be legal.

A priest in the San Jose Diocese whom we will call Father X said the diocese document "Pastoral Guidelines for Ministry to Homosexuals in the Diocese of San Jose "contributes to the ethical confusion on homosexuality among Catholic high school students because it has no "moral component."

The document claims the "premise that individuals do not choose and cannot change their sexual orientation but must understand it and integrate it into their life of faith and conscience."

"There is a presumption in the diocese that homosexuality has a biological basis. This, in part, originally came from the Kinsey report, which lead to gay safe zones in the public schools and were eventually followed by the Catholic schools," Father X said.

"The problem is that a lot of Catholic teachers and theologians feel that they need to filter the church’s teachings according to their philosophical agenda or they won't teach it."

Catholic author James Likoudis claims the reason Catholic high school students are pro-homosexual is that Church documents are filtered out.

"The Vatican documents "The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality" intended to remove corrupting sex education programs in Catholic schools is a dead letter in this country- as can be seen in the continued proliferation of Catholic sex education programs in practically every diocese,"Likoudis said.

A parent came to Father X in 1994 saying “that one book of a seventh grade class was pornographic in a Santa Clara Catholic school. The book had stuff on how to put on condoms, and if you urinate on a partner make sure you don't do it on the eyes or ears."

Father organized a group of parents who meet with the principal and pastor. The principal and pastor defended the teacher's right to use the book. The group then went to the diocese superintendent of schools who found the book to be against the diocese's policy. The book was taken out.

Another part of the problem Likoudis claims is “silence from the pulpits on Catholic sexual ethics by cowardly priests and bishops- or who are sympathetic to the dissenters. Therefore, a decadent media morality has replaced Christian and Catholic morality in our culture. The sex educators active in public and parochial schools represent that media morality "

Fr. X said he remembered former San Jose Diocese Bishop Pierre DuMaine saying "For the vast majority of Catholics-the only religious talk they will hear is the homily and the only literature they are going to read is the bulletin. So, what does that tell you about their importance?"

Before Vatican II, it was the practice in the United States for Bishops to have a syllibi or schedules for the year's parish homilies where the specific moral and faith teachings were to be systematically presented.

The Homiletic and Pastoral Review has made the case that the church in America needs to return to the syllibi.

Most Catholics get their morality from the media. Fr. X said for example that the U.S. Bishops statement on stem cell research was good, but he knew practicing Catholics who never heard of it. All they heard was what the media presented.

Until the church has an organized effort to educate the mass of Catholics, there is only one way to educate. The orthodox Catholic priest must give homilies on the specific moral issues.

Also, they need to do a write up in the bulletin that is mentioned during the homily.

More over Father says the Catholic clergy from the Vatican to the local parish priest need to be more "users friendly" in writing and speech. Because of the media culture, the high school students find it hard to listen when language is too philosophical or technical.

Another problem in the teaching of sexual morality is homosexual priests.

“There has been a strong homosexual network operating in the Church by those who have infiltrated our seminaries to find refuge there," according to Likoudis

"There are some homosexuals in the priesthood, but it's not an official network. It's not in the open, but you can pick it up," Father X claims.

"They don't contradict the moral teachings of the church instead their method is to question the foundations of the moral teachings-scriptures and tradition. Then they bring in psychology and biology to support their agenda."

The Catechism of the Catholic Church which in section 2357 states that " "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered"...under no circumstances can they be approved." In the next section, the Catechism says "they do not choose their homosexual condition", but no where is there the Kinsey "agenda" that presumes an "unchangeable" natural biological or genetic basis for acts it calls "intrinsically disordered."

"The argument over genetics is a curious one. If homosexuality is genetically inherited, then homosexuality must be chosen by some who do not have a genetic trait. Identical twins must be either both heterosexual or both homosexual and we know this is not the case. It has been documented in cases of identical twins where only one was homosexual,” Director of Family Life for the Diocese of Duluth, MN, Dick Frost said.

"Biologically two men do not fit together to procreate, nor do two women. Biologically it is impossible."

In Thanksgiving for Bush’s Victory: 60% OFF List Price, Plus Free Preview

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Avg. Amazon Customer Review : 5 STARS

Amazon Customer Reviews:

Looking behind the facade
Reviewer: M. J. Ireland
Fred Martinez' book is worth reading for anyone willing to look behind the seductive facade of Clinton's politics to see what it masks. The book clarified why the country's moral fiber diminished under Clinton's administration and why it continues to do so through the supporters of similar politics. The book also provides information and research regarding pro-life; a solid reinforcement for those who are already pro-life and an important read for those who are ambivalent about pro-life and want to understand better its importance.

Shows why Clinton, CBS and Kerry fall into the big lie
Reviewer: Pro-lifer
The Hidden Axis of Evil lays out the reasons why the sex scandals happened as well as why abortion in America will remain unless the Nazi-like philosophy that guided the Clinton administration is known and defeated. This book shows why Clinton, CBS and Kerry keep falling into the big lie. The crucible of the pro-resurrection Christ era

Reviewer: josephcecil
Martinez in his book makes a resounding statement to those who claim the culture war is over and sexual libertinism has won. In an era which has claimed victims in the countless numbers of both bodies and souls. These victims are not just faceless numbers but are a testament to a harmful pathology generated by individuals who lay at the feet of a Machiavellian, Nietzschean idol of the will of self.

Reviewer: G. Sudano
Fred Martinez's book tackles subjects with something that REAL concerned American's, and others, have been hungering and hoping for, for a long time-TRUTH.Would that Mr. Martinez could speak his views and knowledge on a prime time news show, a la CNN, PBS, CBS NBC, ABC, etc. It would probably wake up this sleeping corpse called the American Conscience.

Well Done!!!
Reviewer: Vu
I am very happy that this book was written. Please buy this book to save the unborn babies. The unborn babies saved by the programs in this book will become angels in heaven who will pray for you. They will reward you for your support in putting into action the battle plans in this book.God bless you. Have a good day.Lisa Nguyen

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Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Please pray that the Kinsey movie doesn't give greater scandal

Please pray that the Kinsey movie doesn't give greater scandal.

Corrupting the Culture - Even from the Grave

New Kinsey film doesn't tell the half of it

Like a lion stalking its prey, Hollywood has remained eerily quiet about the film Kinsey: Let's Talk About Sex, even though it premieres tomorrow night in Hollywood and New York City. (The nationwide release will be next Friday, November 19).

The film, starring Liam Neeson as the notorious sex researcher Alfred Kinsey, is the latest attempt by the liberal media elite to trash Judeo-Christian values and glorify sexual perversion. Kinsey is a full-frontal assault on God's plan for human sexuality.

Beginning with a sordid, semi-veiled scene of a man masturbating, Kinsey seeks to paint an admirable picture of the ivory-tower academic who ushered in the sexual revolution of the 1960's. Some of your family members and friends could be among the hundreds of thousands of moviegoers who may be taken in by the lie that Christian morality is outdated and repressive.

Curiously, we have not seen the film heavily promoted in recent weeks. Some Christian commentators suspect that this is because its producers want to catch the public off-guard so as not to give protesters a chance to organize.

Americans must be alerted to the insidious forces working to undermine the values that traditional families hold dear.

Get a Load of the Movie Trailer

If you have a few minutes, check out the Kinsey homepage: There you can view the trailer and video clips, and hear what Bill Condon, the film's openly homosexual director, has to say about his blatantly hedonistic "bio-pic."

To call attention to the misinformation and outright distortions in the film, Catholic Outreach has just published The Kinsey Corruption: An Exposé on the Most Influential "Scientist" of Our Time. This book uncovers the truth about Kinsey and the criminal sexual acts he condoned as part of his "research" at Indiana University. Its compact size makes it perfect for giving out to family, friends, parishioners, teachers, etc.

College Campuses Be Warned

Screenings of Kinsey are scheduled at college campuses throughout the country. Can you imagine the damage that will be done when young people watch "A-list" stars like Liam Neeson, Chris O'Donnell, and Laura Linney lending their talents to an infomercial for licentiousness and sexual "freedom"?

Please help us spread the word. Purchase our new book, The Kinsey Corruption, at bulk discount rates (as low as 90 cents each) and pass copies along to family members, teachers, and fellow parishioners.
Besides providing resources that counter the film's distorted portrayal of Kinsey's life and work, Catholic Outreach is also organizing protests at movie premieres in Dallas, Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Boise, Salt Lake City, New York City, and California, among other places. We must make our voices heard in condemning this insidious movie

Bulk Discounts Available

As with our two previous books, A Guide to The Passion and The Five Issues That Matter Most, we are pleased to offer The Kinsey Corruption for as little as 90 cents each when ordered in bulk so you can make it available to family, friends, co-workers, and school teachers and administrators. (Individual copies may be ordered for $5.95).
Order copies of The Kinsey Corruption by calling 1-888-488-6789 or click here to purchase individually ($5.95) or in bulk (for as low as 90 cents each).
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Thursday, November 11, 2004

Is Kinsey the Father of the Sex Abuse Lobby?

Is Kinsey the Father of the Sex Abuse Lobby?

Alfred Kinsey, because of the worldwide influence of his fraudulent scientific data, has been called the father of the homosexual movement by homosexuals, and the father of the sexual revolution as well as the pornography industry and, some say, the sex abuse lobby.

James H. Jones, an Indiana University scholar and Kinsey Institute insider, in an expose biography titled "Alfred C. Kinsey: A Public/Private Life," shows the motivation behind the Kinseyan "pan-sexualism" agenda.
In the document "How Junk Sex Science Created a Paradigm Shift in Society, Legislation and the Judiciary," Reisman said:

"Jones' data confirms other reports that Kinsey was a sexist, racist and atheist who excluded women, Jews, blacks, and moral traditionalists from his staff and hired only homosexuals and bisexuals (with one short-term exception). Kinsey only hired sexual deviants on whom he could rely to keep his secrets including his [scientific] fraud, his "uncommon desires," and the child molesters he used to conduct child sex experiments. Jones also reported that Kinsey: coerced his wife into participating in acts of adultery and sodomy with his staff and co-authors (which were filmed), seduced male students at Indiana University (and bullied their wives into participating), filmed sex with his male co-workers (who were rewarded by promotion to co-authorship), and filmed himself participating in sado-masochistic sex rituals." ("" )

In this report Reisman farther said, "Based on his [fraudulent scientific] data, Kinsey claimed that children enjoyed sex and the real harm of adult-child sex stemmed from 'hysterical' parents, teachers and professionals who reacted with anger and horror to children's disclosures. Based on his findings, many legislatures lightened or eliminated penalties for sexual offenses ... toward children as 'victims' in cases of incest and child molestation."

In 1991, the widely respected British medical journal The Lancet verified Reisman's research when it demanded that the Kinsey Institute be investigated, writing:

"The Kinsey reports (one in 1948 on males and the companion five years later) claimed that sexual activity began much earlier in life ... and displayed less horror of age differences and same-sex relationships than anyone at the time imagined. It was as if, to follow Mr. Porter again, 'Anything goes'. In "Kinsey, Sex and Fraud," Dr. Judith A. Reisman and her colleagues demolish the foundations of the two [Kinsey] reports."

In Thanksgiving for Bush’s Victory: 60% OFF List Price, Plus Free Preview

In thanksgiving for President Bush’s victory we will give you Hidden Axis for $4.99, which is 60% off’s $12.50 list price. Get a free Preview of Hidden Axis by "Search Inside the Book" at

Avg. Amazon Customer Review : 5 STARS

Amazon Customer Reviews:

Looking behind the facade
Reviewer: M. J. Ireland

Fred Martinez' book is worth reading for anyone willing to look behind the seductive facade of Clinton's politics to see what it masks. The book clarified why the country's moral fiber diminished under Clinton's administration and why it continues to do so through the supporters of similar politics. The book also provides information and research regarding pro-life; a solid reinforcement for those who are already pro-life and an important read for those who are ambivalent about pro-life and want to understand better its importance.

Shows why Clinton, CBS and Kerry fall into the big lie
Reviewer: Pro-lifer

The Hidden Axis of Evil lays out the reasons why the sex scandals happened as well as why abortion in America will remain unless the Nazi-like philosophy that guided the Clinton administration is known and defeated. This book shows why Clinton, CBS and Kerry keep falling into the big lie.

The crucible of the pro-resurrection Christ era
Reviewer: josephcecil

Martinez in his book makes a resounding statement to those who claim the culture war is over and sexual libertinism has won. In an era which has claimed victims in the countless numbers of both bodies and souls. These victims are not just faceless numbers but are a testament to a harmful pathology generated by individuals who lay at the feet of a Machiavellian, Nietzschean idol of the will of self.

Reviewer: G. Sudano

Fred Martinez's book tackles subjects with something that REAL concerned American's, and others, have been hungering and hoping for, for a long time-TRUTH.
Would that Mr. Martinez could speak his views and knowledge on a prime time news
show, a la CNN, PBS, CBS NBC, ABC, etc. It would probably wake up this sleeping corpse called the American Conscience.

Well Done!!!
Reviewer: Vu

I am very happy that this book was written. Please buy this book to save the unborn babies. The unborn babies saved by the programs in this book will become angels in heaven who will pray for you. They will reward you for your support in putting into action the battle plans in this book.
God bless you. Have a good day.
Lisa Nguyen

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Sunday, November 07, 2004

In Thanksgiving for Bush’s Victory: 60% OFF List Price, Plus Free Preview

In Thanksgiving for Bush’s Victory: 60% OFF List Price of Hidden Axis, Plus Free Preview

In thanksgiving for President Bush’s victory we will give you Hidden Axis for $4.99, which is 60% off’s $12.50 list price. Get a free Preview of Hidden Axis by "Search Inside the Book" at

Avg. Amazon Customer Review : 5 STARS

Amazon Customer Reviews:

Looking behind the facade
Reviewer: M. J. Ireland

Fred Martinez' book is worth reading for anyone willing to look behind the seductive facade of Clinton's politics to see what it masks. The book clarified why the country's moral fiber diminished under Clinton's administration and why it continues to do so through the supporters of similar politics. The book also provides information and research regarding pro-life; a solid reinforcement for those who are already pro-life and an important read for those who are ambivalent about pro-life and want to understand better its importance.

Shows why Clinton, CBS and Kerry fall into the big lie
Reviewer: Pro-lifer

The Hidden Axis of Evil lays out the reasons why the sex scandals happened as well as why abortion in America will remain unless the Nazi-like philosophy that guided the Clinton administration is known and defeated. This book shows why Clinton, CBS and Kerry keep falling into the big lie.

The crucible of the pro-resurrection Christ era
Reviewer: josephcecil

Martinez in his book makes a resounding statement to those who claim the culture war is over and sexual libertinism has won. In an era which has claimed victims in the countless numbers of both bodies and souls. These victims are not just faceless numbers but are a testament to a harmful pathology generated by individuals who lay at the feet of a Machiavellian, Nietzschean idol of the will of self.

Reviewer: G. Sudano

Fred Martinez's book tackles subjects with something that REAL concerned American's, and others, have been hungering and hoping for, for a long time-TRUTH.Would that Mr. Martinez could speak his views and knowledge on a prime time news show, a la CNN, PBS, CBS NBC, ABC, etc. It would probably wake up this sleeping corpse called the American Conscience.

Well Done!!!
Reviewer: Vu

I am very happy that this book was written. Please buy this book to save the unborn babies. The unborn babies saved by the programs in this book will become angels in heaven who will pray for you. They will reward you for your support in putting into action the battle plans in this book. God bless you. Have a good day. Lisa Nguyen

(See more reviews: )

To order The Hidden Axis, send check or money order for $12.50 (plus S & H of $3.99) or print out this ad and send with $4.99 (plus S & H of $3.99) to:

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Orders can be made by credit card at Free Preview of Hidden Axis by"Search Inside the Book" at Bookstores may order by calling Author House at 888-280-7715 or from Ingram (ISBN:1410746186). Media can get a review copy if they email

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

The Hidden Axis of Evil

The Hidden Axis of Evil

By W. J. Rayment

"The Hidden of Evil" explains the mind-set of the pro-abortion lobby and the tools used to manipulate the electorate into backing the abortionist agenda. As Fred Martinez points out, there is a vicious cycle. A person who has killed her child by abortion is more likely to continue to support the abortion agenda because she wants to justify her drastic past decisions. To become pro-life is to admit guilt.

This issue has inflamed modern Catholicism because it has personally touched so many members of the church. Like divorce, abortion is a fact conveniently side-stepped and often ignored by the American church, even while the Vatican continues to adhere to traditional values.

Beyond abortion, Fred Martinez takes on the issue of Gays in the priesthood. The American left-wing press has real problems of credibility on this issue because their agenda has been obvious for so long. For the left-wing media, established religion is anathema because of its stand on morality.

Moral relativism is the holy god of the left.

Free Preview of Fred Martinez's Hidden Axis by "Search Inside the Book" at

If you want your children to grow up in a society that is safe, which doesn't kill unborn babies, promote Clintonian pornography or sexually abuse kids, then get Hidden Axis now for your children's sake! If you don't believe us, glance at the praise:

"[Special Commentary columnist for NewsMax during the Catholic scandal] Fred Martinez's book is important, no, necessary reading." - Ginny Hitchcock, National pro-life leader and longtime colleague of Fr. Paul Marx, "[T]horough piece of journalism."- Dale Ahlquist, EWTN host and American Chesterton Society President"[A] moral tour de force that is must reading ."- Chuck Morse, radio talk show host, WROL-Boston"[O]ne incredible, thought-provoking book."- Tony DiGirolamo, Executive Producer of the Culture Shock television show"[P]rofoundly important."- Dr. Pravin Thevathasan, Catholic Psychologist"[E]ye opener." -David Benrexi, Pro-life leader and head of Zephaniah Records"[V]ery interesting and necessary." - Hoang Vu, former psychology and literature professor at Taberd Institution College"[E]xtraordinary work."- Kelly Clark, The Lady In The Pew Web site"[C]onnects the dots." - Jim Holman, Publisher of San Diego News Notes, SF Faith and Los Angeles Mission"[A] must-read!" - W. J. Rayment, Founder and Editor of the Conservative Monitor "Thank you."- Carol McKinley, Faithful Voice"Remarkable."- Cathal Gallagher, Founder of Quo Vadis Theatre and playwright"[T]renchant expose." - James Likoudis, Catholic journalist "[V]ery rich and full of insights." - Rev. Fausto Zelaya, studied in Rome and ordained with a pontifical indult from Pope John Paul II (See more praise: . )

To order The Hidden Axis, send check or money order for $9.99 (plus S & H of $2.99) to:

Viva Romance
PO Box 70482
Sunnyvale, Ca 94086

Orders can be made by credit card at Free Preview of Hidden Axis by"Search Inside the Book" at Bookstores may order by callingAuthor House at 888-280-7715 or from Ingram (ISBN:1410746186). Media can get a review copy if they email

Good information on Catholic web voting:

A friend of mine in Boston posted the ITV dossier pdf on his website.Here is the link: bless


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