Thursday, November 11, 2004

Is Kinsey the Father of the Sex Abuse Lobby?

Is Kinsey the Father of the Sex Abuse Lobby?

Alfred Kinsey, because of the worldwide influence of his fraudulent scientific data, has been called the father of the homosexual movement by homosexuals, and the father of the sexual revolution as well as the pornography industry and, some say, the sex abuse lobby.

James H. Jones, an Indiana University scholar and Kinsey Institute insider, in an expose biography titled "Alfred C. Kinsey: A Public/Private Life," shows the motivation behind the Kinseyan "pan-sexualism" agenda.
In the document "How Junk Sex Science Created a Paradigm Shift in Society, Legislation and the Judiciary," Reisman said:

"Jones' data confirms other reports that Kinsey was a sexist, racist and atheist who excluded women, Jews, blacks, and moral traditionalists from his staff and hired only homosexuals and bisexuals (with one short-term exception). Kinsey only hired sexual deviants on whom he could rely to keep his secrets including his [scientific] fraud, his "uncommon desires," and the child molesters he used to conduct child sex experiments. Jones also reported that Kinsey: coerced his wife into participating in acts of adultery and sodomy with his staff and co-authors (which were filmed), seduced male students at Indiana University (and bullied their wives into participating), filmed sex with his male co-workers (who were rewarded by promotion to co-authorship), and filmed himself participating in sado-masochistic sex rituals." ("" )

In this report Reisman farther said, "Based on his [fraudulent scientific] data, Kinsey claimed that children enjoyed sex and the real harm of adult-child sex stemmed from 'hysterical' parents, teachers and professionals who reacted with anger and horror to children's disclosures. Based on his findings, many legislatures lightened or eliminated penalties for sexual offenses ... toward children as 'victims' in cases of incest and child molestation."

In 1991, the widely respected British medical journal The Lancet verified Reisman's research when it demanded that the Kinsey Institute be investigated, writing:

"The Kinsey reports (one in 1948 on males and the companion five years later) claimed that sexual activity began much earlier in life ... and displayed less horror of age differences and same-sex relationships than anyone at the time imagined. It was as if, to follow Mr. Porter again, 'Anything goes'. In "Kinsey, Sex and Fraud," Dr. Judith A. Reisman and her colleagues demolish the foundations of the two [Kinsey] reports."

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Avg. Amazon Customer Review : 5 STARS

Amazon Customer Reviews:

Looking behind the facade
Reviewer: M. J. Ireland

Fred Martinez' book is worth reading for anyone willing to look behind the seductive facade of Clinton's politics to see what it masks. The book clarified why the country's moral fiber diminished under Clinton's administration and why it continues to do so through the supporters of similar politics. The book also provides information and research regarding pro-life; a solid reinforcement for those who are already pro-life and an important read for those who are ambivalent about pro-life and want to understand better its importance.

Shows why Clinton, CBS and Kerry fall into the big lie
Reviewer: Pro-lifer

The Hidden Axis of Evil lays out the reasons why the sex scandals happened as well as why abortion in America will remain unless the Nazi-like philosophy that guided the Clinton administration is known and defeated. This book shows why Clinton, CBS and Kerry keep falling into the big lie.

The crucible of the pro-resurrection Christ era
Reviewer: josephcecil

Martinez in his book makes a resounding statement to those who claim the culture war is over and sexual libertinism has won. In an era which has claimed victims in the countless numbers of both bodies and souls. These victims are not just faceless numbers but are a testament to a harmful pathology generated by individuals who lay at the feet of a Machiavellian, Nietzschean idol of the will of self.

Reviewer: G. Sudano

Fred Martinez's book tackles subjects with something that REAL concerned American's, and others, have been hungering and hoping for, for a long time-TRUTH.
Would that Mr. Martinez could speak his views and knowledge on a prime time news
show, a la CNN, PBS, CBS NBC, ABC, etc. It would probably wake up this sleeping corpse called the American Conscience.

Well Done!!!
Reviewer: Vu

I am very happy that this book was written. Please buy this book to save the unborn babies. The unborn babies saved by the programs in this book will become angels in heaven who will pray for you. They will reward you for your support in putting into action the battle plans in this book.
God bless you. Have a good day.
Lisa Nguyen

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