Sunday, September 07, 2008

If Bill Clinton was "Our First Black President,” is Obama Our First Gay Presidential Candidate?

By Fred Martinez

Remember how liberals were saying Bill Clinton was the first black president after a 1998 New Yorker article by Black feminist Toni Morrison who described Clinton as "our first black president. Blacker than any actual person who could ever be elected in our children's lifetime."

Might Obama be our first gay presidential candidate? Gayer than any actual person who could ever be elected in our children's lifetime.

Obama is more gay-supportive than John Kerry. Four years ago, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Policy Institute Executive Director Matt Foreman said "John Kerry and John Edwards make up the most gay-supportive national ticket in American history," according to a report.

According to Chris Bull:

"If gay voters wanted a better champion than John Kerry, they'd have to invent him. The three-term senator boasts a near-perfect voting record on gay and AIDS-related causes, a record virtually unrivaled among national politicians. Kerry has gone far beyond allies who vote with the community but risk little in doing so. He has sponsored federal gay rights legislation dating to1985."

But on gay agenda issues Obama makes Kerry look like Sarah Palin.

National Review Rich Lowry said “Obama’s tone noticeably differed from John Kerry’s in 2004. Kerry criticized the Massachusetts Supreme Court ruling in favor of same-sex marriage and said he’d support a constitutional amendment banning it. In contrast, Obama patted the California court on the head and said nothing about a proposed referendum in the fall to amend the California constitution to overrule the court. Obama makes Kerry look like a staunch cultural conservative.”

Obama is womanly as Hillary says the liberal US News & World Report:

“ Still, her female supporters who are watching Obama's movement coalesce, solidify, and take over should console themselves that there will be a woman Democrat in the White House either way if the Democrats win the general election. The nominee will either be a woman with double-X chromosomes or one with XY chromosomes who votes more like a woman than most with XX.”

Liberal political scientist Kathleen Dolan said “[Obama’s] being more feminine than [Hillary] can be.

Remember when people were claiming that George W. Bush took cocaine. I don’t remember any of them saying they were willing to submit to a polygraph test or filing a suit in Minnesota District Court,alleging threats and intimidation by Bush's staff.

Larry Sinclair is willing to submit to a polygraph test and is filing a suit in Minnesota District Court,alleging threats and intimidation by Obama's staff.
Sinclair “claims he took cocaine in 1999 with the then-Illinois legislator and participated in homosexual acts with [Obama].”

It is a double standard that the media isn’t reporting this when we all know the they would make it front page news if the charges were against Sarah Palin or McCain.

Personally I think Obama is just a metrosexual.

A metrosexual “is a man who seems stereotypically gay except when it comes to sexual orientation,” according to Alexa Hackbarth, “Vanity, Thy Name Is Metrosexual," The Washington Post, November 17, 2003.


At 4:16 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

When Obama offers unwavering support for marriage equality -- with no conditions attached -- and no suggestion that civil unions are just as good, and when he rejects the idea of leaving it up to states as to whether they accept a gay marriage from an other state, THEN he'll be a gay candidate.

Until he does, the choices are Nader and McKinney, who have been outspoken advocates for marriage equality for a long time.

Remember Bill Clinton's promise that his "first act in office" would be to allow gays in the military? All we got was a bigger closet in Don't Ask-Don't tell.


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