Sunday, March 27, 2005

What is the Real Agenda of Leftist Courts and Al Franken’s “Humor”?

On March 28 Mr. Schiavo changed his mind on Terri receiving Cummunion. We need to pray for Mr Schavio, the judges and Franken's conversion as well as for Terri and her family as they go through this nightmare.


What is the Real Agenda of Leftist Courts and Al Franken’s “Humor”?

The Associated Press reported on Easter, March 27, that Paul O'Donnell, a Roman Catholic Franciscan monk revealed that Michael Schiavo refused to “allow his wife the sacrament of communion during the holiest day of the Catholic year.”

''This is in violation of her religious rights and freedoms and allows the governor to ... intervene,'' O'Donnell said in the AP report.

''We beg you to have courage and take action.''

The Franciscan monk continued to make Terri’s parent’s request that Gov. Jeb Bush take Schiavo into protective custody. The Florida governor refuses to act unless the courts approve. All federal judges have decreed that Schiavo's religious rights are not being violated.

What is the real agenda of left's support of judges who are unwilling to allowing Terri to receive Communion before they starve her to death? They do this by giving this decision to a husband who wants to kill his wife.

The reason is that not only do they want to follow Hitler by laying to waste all human person’s right to life whom they decree “unfit,” but like the Nazi they want to mocked the most sacred religious traditions.

“[Radio host Al] Franken also imitated a priest giving Communion, saying "Body of Christ" when an imagined pedophile priest was in line but "not for you" when pro-choice politicians came up,” according to Michael Goodwin of the New York Daily News.[]

This Franken mockery of the Eucharist on Air America radio proves he is an anti-Catholic bigot. This ridicule reminds one of the Nazi propaganda that mocked the most sacred religious Jewish traditions. The Jewish religion holds God’s very name in the highest respect and reverence. The radio host, who claims to be Jewish, in the introduction of his new book Lies And the Lying Liars has a disrespectful mock conservation with the Holy One of the Old Testament.

Here‘s an sample Franken‘s mockery:“’TOTAL BULL____,’ God said. ’ START BY ATTACKING THEM. HE’S [former CBS reporter Bernard Goldberg who wrote a book about liberal bias] CLEARLY A DISGRUNTLED FORMER EMPLOYEE, AND SHE [Ann Coulter who wrote a book about liberal bias] JUST LIES. BY THE WAY, THERE’S SOMETHING SERIOUSLY WRONG WITH HER. ’”

To put it mildly, Franken’s purpose for writing his book was to “prove” that there isn’t a liberal bias. According to the radio host “[a]lmost every fact in this book [Lies And the Lying Liars] is correct. Either that, or it’s a joke.”

Franken’s Alleged Facts and Humor

Here’s another example of radio host ’s alleged humor in his book on page 239:

“’Give it back! [Clarence] Thomas’s squeal broke their reverie.’ Give me back my magazine.’‘ Kerry and Gore jumped topsides and saw Ashcroft holding a cheaply printed magazine featuring teenage Vietnamese prostitutes.’”I assumed this “joke” refers back to the alleged and “totally uncorroborated charges of off-color language against” the then African American Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas.

Franken thinks its funny to promote “totally uncorroborated charges“ against the African American Thomas, but is fuming in his book because of “[c]redible rape charges” against his great hero Bill Clinton who sexually abused women (imagine the media indignation if sex abusing priests had used cigars), allegedly raped a woman, obstructed justice and lie under oath.

The radio host is outraged on page 138 because Bill O’ Reilly “deplored not only the Clinton’s alleged rape of Broaddrick, but also the mainstream medias’ rape of the American public in failing to report the alleged rape.”

Brent Bozell shows the “double-standard” of the media in this case best when he wrote: “Credible rape charges are not news when levied against a liberal president, no matter how grave those charges are. But totally uncorroborated charges of off-color language against a conservative Supreme Court nominee totally dominated the news for a solid week.The national media’s double-standard has descended from the merely awful to the absurd.”

The continued media hypocrisy was recently displayed again when the Los Angeles Times put the allegations of sexual harassment against Schwarzenegger on the front page of the paper, while it buried Juanita Broaddrick’s 1999 rape accusation against Bill Clinton and refused to publish George Will’s column about Broaddrick’s allegation.Now Franken did say that “[a]lmost every fact in this book is correct. Either that, or it’s a joke.”

Franken is the “Teensiest Bit Selective”

Or maybe it’s not fair and balanced to Franken to compare the media handling of Clinton’s “[c]redible rape charges” vs. the “uncorroborated charges of off-color language” against Thomas.

Maybe it’s “the teensiest bit selective.”

Al in his continued attempt to show that there is not a liberal bias on page 33 says “from among the hundreds of thousands of hours of broadcast news over the last three decades Bernie is able to coble together a few instances of slanted reporting. But even when Goldberg seems to have a point, it still feels just the teensiest bit selective.”

However, the radio host in his chapter called “I Bitch-Slap Bernie Goldberg” in his rigorist fact finding effort was the “teensiest bit selective” when he forgot to mention that Goldberg in his book Bias considered that the media’s anti-conservative bias against the great “social” issues such as abortion and homosexuality to be even greater than against the “Democrat-versus-Republican sort” of issues.

Goldberg said, “Why were we doing PR for the AIDS lobby by spreading an epidemic of fear, telling our viewers about how AIDS was about to break out into mainstream heterosexual America, which simply was not true?”I guess the “I Bitch-Slap Bernie Goldberg” chapter was another joke unless Franken thinks it’s a fact that intravenous drug abusers and homosexuals are part of mainstream heterosexual America.

Franken’s and “the Most-Gay Presidential Candidate Ever” John Kerry’s Buddies

Which brings us back to the radio host’s “joke” about a priest giving Communion to pedophile priests, but not to pro-choice politicians. Why are Franken and “the most-gay presidential candidate ever” John Kerry helping their buddies in the radical gay movement and liberal psychological establishment to cover up the fact that the Catholic scandal is overwhelmingly a homosexual sex abuse scandal?

The cover up tactic is to say that the scandal is about pedophilia and then claim that pedophilia is not associated with homosexuality.The gay activist expert and psychiatrist Jeffrey Satinover, who wrote the book "Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth," which the Congressional Record of May 1996 called the "best book on homosexuality written in our times," states this is a standard spin. He writes:

"Activists are aware of the adverse effect on the gay-rights movement that could result if people perceived any degree of routine association between homosexuality and pedophilia…They have denied this association by focusing on the (true) fact that—in absolute numbers—heterosexuals commit more child molestation than homosexuals." "But careful studies show that pedophilia is far more common among homosexuals than heterosexuals."

According to an article by Register Correspondent Ellen Rossini, "Although heterosexuals outnumber homosexuals by a ratio of at least 20 to 1, homosexual pedophiles commit about one-third of the total number of child sex offenses," said Tim Dailey, a senior fellow for culture studies at the Family Research Council. (The National Catholic Register, September 15-21, 2002) []

With the above in mind I said in my book The Hidden Axis of Evil: The Clinton, Sex Abuse and the Aborting of America:

"If [the liberal “Catholic” organization] VOTF and the liberal bishops really want to end the church scandal, then they have to stop covering up the gay part of 90 percent of the scandal [The February 2004 National Review Board Report says 81 percent of the victims were males]. If VOTF and [VOTF’s Rev.] Doyle really want to end the pedophilia part of the scandal, then they have to expose the fraudulent scientific data eliminating penalties for sexual abusers and the Kinseyan [psychological] ‘experts’ who are advising the bishops."

It is Franken’s and Kerry‘s radical gay friends in the priesthood, who are there contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church, who have caused the overwhelming majority of the scandal. It’s also your friends in the liberal psychological establishment with their fraudulent scientific data who are eliminating penalties for sexual abusers and who advised the bishops to allowed homosexuals priests into their dioceses.

Unfortunately, it also isn’t a fact that the vast majority of Catholic priests are not giving Communion to pro-choice politicians. Sadly it’s not a joke that the vast majority of American bishops are appear to be okay with politicians- who vote for killing unborn babies- receiving the Eucharist. This despite the Catholic Church law (Canon 915), which states that the Eucharist should be withheld from “Catholic” public figures who advocate abortion.

What is the Real Agenda of Franken’s “Humor”?

Nor is it a joke that Franken and “Catholic” John Kerry support even late-term abortion, which should really be called infanticide. Is it a fact that Al did a warm up “comedian” act for Planned Parenthood in 2000.

Above all, it is a fact that Franken’s jokes “deadens, instead of sharpening, the intellect.“ It is appropriate that your “sense of humor” is associated with Planned Parenthood's participation in the killing of millions of unborn babies and the sale of their body parts, which is a grim reminder that PP’s founder Margaret Sanger promoted eugenics/Nazi teachings on the need to eliminate the world of "inferior people."

C. S. Lewis in his book The Screwtape Letters describes the real agenda of Franken’s “humor” best. In this book his character, who is a senior evil spirit, says:

"But Flippancy is the best of all. In the first place it is very economical. Only a clever human can make a real Joke about virtue, or indeed about anything else; any of them can be trained to talk as if virtue were funny. Among flippant people the Joke is always assumed to have been made. No one actually makes it; but every serious subject is discussed in a manner which implies that they have already found a ridiculous side to it. If prolonged, the habit of Flippancy builds up around a man the finest armour-plating against the Enemy [God] that I know, and it is quite free from the dangers inherent in the other sources of laughter. It is a thousand miles away from joy; it deadens, instead of sharpening, the intellect; and it excites no affection between those who practice it."

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Thursday, March 24, 2005

Why are the Liberal Elites Rallying Around a Husband Starving His Wife Terri?

Why are the Liberal Elites Rallying Around a Husband Starving His Wife Terri?

Terri Schiavo is being starved and dehydrated to death because she is too handicapped according to the courts. Yet, the courts have ruled that if someone starves and dehydrates a dog he will go to jail.

It appears the liberal elite is committed to the "grave step toward" the the unlimited "right" to kill so long as the one being murdered is innocent and human. Like Hitler, who was very kind to his dog, they are very kind to animals, but believe that humans whom they dim “unfit“ should be killed.

The Vatican’s Cardinal Renato Martino hit the nail on the coffin as to why the left want Terri dead:

"If Mr. Schiavo succeeds in legally causing the death of his wife, this not only would be tragic in itself, but it would be a grave step toward the legal approval of euthanasia in the United States."

We know why the liberal elite (and the liberal courts) want Terri dead despite the fact that her family desires to care for her? But why doesn’t husband Mike Schiavo let his wife's father and mother care for their daughter? Why does this husband want to kill his wife?

Is it because Mike Schiavo is shacking up with another woman with whom he has two kids and Terri's death will permit him to profit from her estate as well as remarry?

Or is it as Mr. Schiavo says because he is doing this "for his wife [Terri]" for the reason that she is in a “persistent vegetative state“?

The chief editor Joseph Farah said that on March 23, the prominent neurologist “who evaluated Terri Schiavo for the Florida state Department of Children and Families” said she was “wrongly diagnosed as being in a persistent vegetative state.”

Dr. William Polk Cheshire Jr. in his affidavit to the court, which was obtained by WorldNetDaily, wrote:"If Terri is consciously aware of pain, and therefore is capable of suffering, then her diagnosis of PVS may be tragically mistaken,” Cheshire said.

“It is my understanding that nearly three years have passed since Terri has had the benefit of neurologic consultation...How then are we to be certain about her current neurologic status? There remain, in fact, huge uncertainties in regard to Terri's true neurologic status.”

According to the, in the affidavit, Cheshire alluded to the reasons why he skeptical about the diagnosis of “persistent vegetative state“:

“He found her facial expression brightens and she smiles in response to the voice of familiar people such as her parents or her nurse. Her agitation subsides and her facial demeanor softens when quiet music is played. ‘When jubilant piano music is played, her face brightens, she lifts her eyebrows, smiles, and even laughs.’ Cheshire said several times he witnessed Schiavo laugh when someone in the room made a humorous comment.”

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Sunday, March 20, 2005

Is the National Catholic Reporter a Catholic Paper or a Gay Publication?

Is the National Catholic Reporter a Catholic Paper or a Gay Publication?

As a “Catholic” judge in California proclaimed that same-sex marriages are legal, someone emailed me an old article from January 31, 2003. The person who emailed the piece didn’t say if the pro-gay “Catholic” judge read the pro-gay National Catholic Reporter.

The NCR, the most respected liberal Catholic newspaper in the United States on January 31, 2003, claimed in the article that Los Angeles Cardinal Roger M. Mahony would be the next Cardinal Bernard Law.

The paper said the “scandal’s epicenter seems poised to shift from Boston to California, to use The Christian Science Monitor’s phrase, there’s some evidence the national media’s attention will do the same.”

The newspaper even quoted an attorney who said the Catholic hierarchy is “monstrous.“

“What I’ve learned in the past 12 months,” continued [lawyers John] Manly, “is that any illusion I’ve had about this being 1 or 2 percent of priests in the U.S. has been shattered. This is clearly a national problem. Spiritually and emotionally, it’s monstrous, proportions I never dreamed about. And in terms of dealing with the church I’ve learned there is nothing the hierarchy won’t engage in to prevent the faithful learning the truth -- the extent of it. “All this talk about we’re sorry for the victims and we care. It’s just words,” said Manly. “All these folks have run out and set up these victims’ hot lines and then they secretly staff them with attorneys. It’s duplicitous -- they’ve learned nothing.”

What the paper failed to report is that it itself and one of its main supporters were just as “duplicitous.”
Fr. Richard McBrien and the NCR had their own cover-up according to the January 29, 2004 The Observer online, an independent newspaper serving Notre Dame:

" In the Jan. 27 Observer article "Campus, Seminary Reacts to Priest Scandal, ‘Fr. Richard McBrien asserts that the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' audit of its program for preventing sexual abuse by priests ‘could have been prevented if the Church has responded properly when allegations began coming to light over 25 years ago.’

According to McBrien, "some ... dioceses were not as forthcoming - and still are not - as they should be.’"
However, it appears that McBrien might not be an appropriate person to call for “the pope [to] hold responsible those bishops "who knowingly transferred sexually abusive clergy" and accept or call for resignations "where appropriate." According to The Observer:

"Given his current sanctimonious condemnation of the Church regarding clergy sexual abuse, one might assume McBrien, to use his words, "responded properly" when [Fr. James] Burtchaell's [homosexual] sexual misconduct was brought to his attention. To the contrary, McBrien concealed Burtchaell's conduct; he did not discipline him or remove him from contact with students. In short, McBrien continued to put Notre Dame students at risk of a known sexual predator." "Although McBrien had knowledge of [the former National Catholic Reporter contributor] Burtchaell's crimes as early as 1989, Burtchaell's sexual abuse of Notre Dame students was not made public until late 1991. When asked about Burtchaell's serial sexual abuse of students after concealing knowledge thereof for more than two years, McBrien refused to "comment on the matter." See National Catholic Reporter (Dec. 6, 1991)."
[ and]

Apparently, National Catholic Reporter and McBrien needed to investigate themselves to see if they "responded properly" when sexual misconduct was brought to their attention.

But as we know the NCR and McBrien never investigated themselves. Nor did the national media investigate Mahony or the NCR and McBrien.

The reason for this is because the pro-gay Mahony and McBrien are constant cover boys for the National Catholic Reporter. The explanation for the non-investigation is simple. The NCR is not a Catholic paper, but a gay publication that protects it's own.

On February 20,2004, the National Catholic Reporter made it official when it publicly dissented from definitive Catholic teaching by endorsing homosexual marriage. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered…[and] under no circumstances can they be approved.”
The “Catholic” lay operated national newsweekly said, "The ruling by the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts allowing same-sex civil marriage is a beneficial step along the path of human understanding and human rights."

But, how does this explain the national media not investigating Mahony or the NCR and McBrien? Again, the explanation is simple. The national media is a giant collection of gay publications that follow the top national gay newspaper‘s agenda.

Ex-CBS insider Bernard Goldberg in his book "Bias" Goldberg said, "The problem is that so many TV journalists simply don’t know how to think about certain issues until the New York Times and the Washington Post tell them what to think. Those big, important newspapers set the agenda that network news people follow."

The gay movement appears to set the agenda for the New York Time, which sets the agenda for the rest of the media. NewsMax ran an article about Accuracy in Media’s Reed Irving’s inquiry into the NY Times bias. Irving said Richard Berke, a national political correspondent for the Times, spoke at a gathering of the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association. Irvine says that Berke assured the homosexual group that the Times would remain very receptive to the gay agenda because "three-fourths of those who regularly attend the daily meetings that determine what will be on the front page of the Times the next morning are ‘not-so-closeted’ homosexuals."

Readers of this article can order my 135 page paperback direct for the reduced price of $5.99, plus $1.99 for shipping and handling at Viva Romance, PO Box 70482, Sunnyvale, Ca 94086. The book can also be ordered through any retail store by the title "The Hidden Axis of Evil: The Clintons, Sex Abuse and the Aborting of America" or ISBN which is: 1-4107-4618-6.

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Sunday, March 13, 2005

Are Hillary and Bill Clinton Black?

Are Hillary and Bill Clinton Black?

Allan Bloom, author of The Closing of the American Mind, showed that leftists in the Black Power movement considered the Constitution "corrupt" and demanded a "black identity, not universal rights. Not rights but power counted."

For the black leftist, black identity is not about the objective reality of being black.

For the black leftist is it possible for Christian blacks like Alan Keyes, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas or Bishop Eddie Long to have a “black identity” unless they are part of the leftist agenda?

Remember how liberals were saying Bill Clinton was the first black president after a 1998 New Yorker article by Black feminist Toni Morrison who described Clinton as "our first black president. Blacker than any actual person who could ever be elected in our children's lifetime." She farther said:

“Clinton displays almost every trope of blackness: single-parent household, born poor, working-class, saxophone-playing, McDonald's-and-junk-food-loving boy from Arkansas.”

The feminist Morrison failed to explain the real reasons for Bill’s and, yes, Hillary’s “blackness.”

The essential ingredient to being “black” in the New Yorker is for one to accept pansexualism including abortion and the radical homosexual agenda. No Christian pro-life Black would ever be called “black” in that magazine even if they were from a “single-parent household, born poor, working-class, saxophone-playing, [and were a] McDonald's-and-junk-food-loving boy [or girl] from Arkansas.”

(This doesn’t just apply to “blackness.” The essential ingredient to being qualified or Latino for Democrats is support of unborn baby killing and the radical homosexual agenda, as clearly qualified Federal Court Judge and Latino Miguel Estrada learned.)

Bishop Eddie Long of metro Atlanta area who heads one of the biggest black churches in the country is learning that he is not very “black.” He was even accused of slapping the face of “the legacy of Dr. King" because of a march.

“In December, Bishop Eddie Long, leader of the New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Lithonia, led an estimated 25,000 black Christians in a march that included support of a federal constitutional ban on same-sex marriage,” according to News.

The country's only national gay black organization the National Black Justice Coalition issued a declaration previous to the march declaring it "a slap in the face to the legacy of Dr. King."

After the march, more “than 50 black clergy and theologians from metro Atlanta published a letter recently in the Atlanta Daily World calling on African-American churches to be more sympathetic to the political and spiritual struggles faced by gay men and lesbians,“ said the

It sounds like these black clergy and theologians are excommunicating Bishop Long.

For these type of black clergy and theologians it looks like it isn’t possible for Christian blacks such as Alan Keyes, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas or Bishop Eddie Long to have a “black identity” unless they are part of the gay agenda or as Pope John Paul II called it in his new book "a new ideology of evil perhaps more insidious and hidden, which attempts to pit human rights against the family and against man."

I wonder if this clergy and theologians will call Hillary if elected "our first black woman president.”

Readers of this article can order my 135 page paperback direct for the reduced price of $5.99, plus $1.99 for shipping and handling at Viva Romance, PO Box 70482, Sunnyvale, Ca 94086. The book can also be ordered through any retail store by the title "The Hidden Axis of Evil: The Clintons, Sex Abuse and the Aborting of America" or ISBN which is: 1-4107-4618-6.

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Sunday, March 06, 2005

The Lord of the Rings vs. the Dragon’s Battle for Your Child's Mind

The Lord of the Rings vs. the Dragon’s Battle for Your Child's Mind

Michael O' Brien in "A Landscape with Dragons: The Battle for Your Child's Mind" said that the imagination is the way that mankind comprehends "God's territory" and his created "invisible realities."

The modern imagination, according to O'Brien, has lost "God's territory" by returning to its "pre-pagan split in consciousness," which is the Gnostic rejection of the "sacramental" unity of spirit and matter, the addiction to occult tales of will to power like Harry Potter, and the relativistic denial of good and evil with ends-justify-the means storylines.

J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" is for O'Brien a prime example of a return to the Western Christian epic tradition of the moral imagination, which comprehends "God's territory" and his created "invisible realities."
O'Brien said, "The discernment of the right paths that must be taken, if good is to triumph, is dramatized in the myriad geographical, emotional, spiritual, and symbolic choices faced by the questers. In each of these, Tolkein's world is faithful to the moral order of the universe, to the absolute necessity of freedom. Middle-earth is a "sacramental" world, an "incarnational" world. ... Spirit [invisible realities] and matter are never portrayed as adversaries."

The Western Christian culture was rooted in this service to reality and God. Reality was the belief in the objectivity of things that are both material and spiritual. During the last two to five centuries, materialistic modernity has been the adversary of this spiritual and matter "incarnational" worldview.

This "incarnational" reality was rooted out and refilled with the lone materialistic science and "realism" in art worldview – in which reality was contained only within material objects that could be tested or seen.
Spiritual (invisible) realities like God, love, beauty, responsibility and free will were neither seeable, material nor testable, so they were not within modernity's realism.

Modernity attacked the primacy of realistic philosophies such as Thomism and realistic symbolic literature like Dante's spiritual epics and Shakespeare's dramas contrasting persons who were symbols of the conflicting real worldviews of modernity and the older realistic philosophy.

Hamlet's "To be or not to be?" illustrates what the two cultures were in conflict about. In our time, Clinton ("What is the definition of is?") is the symbol of modernity's denial of "to be" or objective truth or falsehood.

Modernity, in its desire to stamp out the Christian culture, dislodged Thomism realistic philosophy and realistic symbolic literatures with Pavlovian behaviorism as well as the materialistic reductive studies and application of art, which represented only material acts. Such as Freud's deterministic reduction of all symbols of the mind to represent only the physical acts of sex and Picasso's sexual anti-art.

U.S. residents can order my 135 page paperback direct for $5.99 plus $1.99 for shipping and handling at Viva Romance, PO Box 70482, Sunnyvale, Ca 94086. The book can also be ordered through any retail store by the title "The Hidden Axis of Evil: The Clintons, Sex Abuse and the Aborting of America" or ISBN which is: 1-4107-4618-6.

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