Thursday, October 29, 2020

"Will Biden presidency risk plunging the world into a catastrophic third world war?"

The Islamic Global Village Space news outlet asked the question:

"Will Biden presidency risk plunging the world into a catastrophic third world war?"

The Moslem news outlet admitted that President Donald Trump has been a peace president:

"Nevertheless, despite the occasional show of force, Trump has shown remarkable restraint during his four-year presidency against the advice of his national security advisers who wanted more proactive engagement of the US military in conflict flashpoints, such as Syria, Iran and Afghanistan, to the point that some generals in the top-brass of the US military even accused him of being Putin’s 'useful idiot.'”

"In addition, despite having to contend with the Bush and Obama [/Bicden] administrations’ legacy of myriad wars and proxy wars across the Middle East region, Trump has even announced a significant drawdown of the US forces from Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq and even the US strategic ally Germany.' []

Unfortunately, the Global Village Space says that deep state war hawks apparently know that a Joe Biden win would bring about war president and therefore support him:

"To name a few Trump aides who resigned or were sacked, they include former national security adviser John Bolton, former national security adviser H.R. McMaster, former defense secretary Jim Mattis, former White House chief of staff John Kelly, former director of national intelligence Dan Coats, former Navy secretary Richard Spencer and former chief of staff at the Department of Homeland Security Miles Taylor."

"In fact, scores of former Republican national security officials recently made their preference public that they would vote for Joe Biden instead of Donald Trump against party lines."war

"What does that imply?"

"It implies that the latent conflict between the deep state and the elected representatives of the American people has come to a head during the Trump presidency... "

"...  On another occasion, he ruffled more feathers by telling the reporters: 'I’m not saying the military’s in love with me. The soldiers are. The top people in the Pentagon probably aren’t because they want to do nothing but fight wars so all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy.'”

"In conclusion, to answer the oft-repeated question as to how the Biden Presidency would look like, how the “Sleepy Joe’s” vice presidency looked like, as Trump often derisively taunts him on social media and in speeches. His presidency would be no different from his uneventful vice presidency."

"Joe Biden is a typical establishment Democrat who would play into the hands of the US national security establishment like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama before him. But considering the backdrop of a New Cold War with Russia, his presidency could risk plunging the world into a catastrophic Third World War." [] 

In 2014, ex-President Barack Obama's former Defense secretary, Robert M. Gates, appeared to agree that Biden was a war hawk according to the Los Angeles Times:

"Gates takes special aim at some of Obama’s top advisors, including Vice President Joe Biden. Biden, he charges, 'has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.'”

"Obama worried that top Pentagon officers, including Petraeus and Adm. Michael Mullen, then chairman of the Joint Chiefs, were giving him 'the bum’s rush' in pressing for more troops in Afghanistan early in his first term, Gates says. He blamed Biden, among other aides, for that." []

If there is one man I can readily imagine—inadvertently, of course, and with the best of intentions and the most uplifting of rhetoric—turning Cold War II into World War III, it is the self-anointed heir of FDR, Joseph Robinette 1 Biden Jr.

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Copyright © BloombergQuint
If there is one man I can readily imagine—inadvertently, of course, and with the best of intentions and the most uplifting of rhetoric—turning Cold War II into World War III, it is the self-anointed heir of FDR, Joseph Robinette 1 Biden Jr. ((Adds reference to George H.W. Bush in penultimate paragraph.))

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Copyright © BloombergQuint
If there is one man I can readily imagine—inadvertently, of course, and with the best of intentions and the most uplifting of rhetoric—turning Cold War II into World War III, it is the self-anointed heir of FDR, Joseph Robinette 1 Biden Jr.

Read more at:
Copyright © BloombergQuint
If there is one man I can readily imagine—inadvertently, of course, and with the best of intentions and the most uplifting of rhetoric—turning Cold War II into World War III, it is the self-anointed heir of FDR, Joseph Robinette 1 Biden Jr.

Read more at:
Copyright © BloombergQuint

Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Mass and the Church as well as for the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. 




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