Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Why should there be an Apostolate of Suffering?

I found an old four page pamphlet of "The Apostolate  of Suffering" which on the cover has a drawing of Jesus on the Cross saying:

"Give me your sorrow, heartaches, struggle, pain, fears, poverty, worry, loneliness, regrets, frustration, rejection, unhappiness, indecision,helplessness, fatigue, bitterness, anxiety, misery [etc...]." 

The pamphlet, moreover, says Don't Waste Suffering! Pay the Ransom - for Souls.

There is a website promoting this run by Msgr. John Esseff:

 Why should there be an Apostolate of Suffering?

I have been redeemed by the Cross.  Therefore I must cooperate in the salvation of souls.  I can be and I desire to be an apostle in my sufferings.  Tears shed without love are wasted and embitter the soul.  TO weep with love consoles, sanctifies and redeems.  No one is nearer the Crucified King than the friend He crucifies in His mercy.  Let us hasten to open heaven to many souls and to our own soul, let us glorify the Heart of Jesus by this supreme proof of love.  Let us extend and confirm His reign by the wonderful fruitfullness of this apostolate which is within the reach of all.

 How must I excercise this Apostolate?

1) Offer every day and if possible many times a day, sufferings, disappointments, contradictions, etc., so as to increase the treasures of the apostolate which is to purchase souls and families for the glory of the Heart of Jesus
2) Recite this prayer with great love:
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, through the Immaculate and sorrowful Heart of Mary, I offet Thee the treasure of all my physical and mental sufferings, and I praise and thank Thee, O King of Love, in all my sorrows, asking in exchange the extension of Thy Social Reign.  May Thy Kingdom come by Thy Cross and my crosses!  Sacre Heart of Jesus, Thy Kingdom come!

How shall I join this Apostolate?

Make the following offering:
By suffering borne with love and peace of soul, I promise to become an apostle of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, I offer all my sufferings in union with the sufferings of Christ for the conversion of souls in my own family, in the Holy Father’s Missions, and for the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in families. [http://www.msgrjohnesseff.net/?page_id=160]
 Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Mass and the Church as well as for the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  


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