Saturday, August 16, 2008

"Infanticide Candidate" Obama

If Barack Obama is Christian, then I am Spider Man, and I have vertigo!

By Gabriel Garnica

August 13, 2008

Every time we turn around, Barack Obama is spewing his most recurrent lie; namely, that he is a Christian. This despite the fact that he twists and abuses Scripture to suit his purposes , has lied to cover up his passionate opposition to a bill trying to protect infants surviving abortion from being allowed to die. and seems hell-bent on protecting every kind of abortion possible, even when it amounts to infanticide.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

I once heard Obama quote Proverbs — Chapter 22:6 which states "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. Considering Obama's relentless, practically passionate support and defense of any and every kind of abortion imaginable, I would ask him why he would quote the above line from the Bible when he fully supports the murder of unborn, and even partially born, children? How can anyone train a child the way to go or how can any child become old when that child is killed in the womb or on its way out of that womb?

How about Psalm — Chapter 127:3, which calls children "a reward from (the Lord"? Does Barack Obama believe that killing the Lord's rewards is the way we should go? At the end of one of his speeches on racial intolerance, Obama uttered "that we do unto others as we would have them do unto us. Let us be our brother's keeper, Scripture tells us." Since Senator Obama feels so compelled to cite what Scripture tells us, can he tell us where Scripture tells us that sticking scissors into a partially delivered infant and sucking his brains out is a good thing to do?

Any fool can quote Scripture; it takes a true Christian to live it.

Abortion Absolutist

Barack Obama has rightly been called an "infanticide candidate." One almost gets the feeling that he would support and defend the murder of an infant just born as long as the child has not left the hospital, all in the name of protecting the mother, of course.

As many have rightly asked, just exactly how does a child surviving an abortion and now completely outside the mother threaten the mother's welfare, as abortion supporters often cite in defense of their barbarity? Apparently, Senator Obama believes that such a child is a huge threat, since he has no problem with that child being left to die of neglect.

Even Barbara Boxer, the most pro-abortion member of the Senate before Obama came, opposed the Born Alive Infants Protection Act, a bill almost identical to one Obama fought against in Illinois. To say that Barack Obama makes Barbara Boxer look like a defender of life in comparison is to say a mouthful indeed.

Social Justice Rubbish

One truly wonders how anyone claiming to be a Christian could ever justify abortion, but many do. Some even go as far as claiming that Jesus is right there with the woman, providing her strength and support as she makes this "personal" decision of what to do with "her body." One small problem: the unborn child is not part of the woman's body any more than 200 passengers on a jet are part of that airliner.

In case you think that the above analogy is absurd, consider the fact that nobody in his right mind would ever claim that passengers are part of an airplane since, despite the fact that the plane is carrying the passengers from one place to another, jets and people are not made from the same substances. Likewise, when I eat a chicken, it enters my body, but that does not mean that the chicken has my DNA. Simply put, the unborn child would be "a part of the woman's body" if he or she had the same exact DNA of the mother, which that child does not have. Hence, the child within the womb is a separate entity every bit as deserving of the right to live as anyone else.

Those so-called Christians who think abortion is acceptable under Christian teaching tend to spend most of their time painting Christianity as primarily a social justice effort directed at feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and helping the poor. One must ask, what do all of these people have in common? They are relatively voiceless, powerless and vulnerable. They are certainly prime candidates for some Christian love, for sure. The problem is, unborn children are every bit as and even more voiceless, powerless and vulnerable as the above groups. If social justice demands that we care for and consider the poor, the sick, the naked and the hungry, then I ask why the unborn do not qualify for such protection as well since they clearly fit all of the above traits?

The answer, of course, is really simple. Somewhere along the line, liberals decided that their best face on religion is the social justice face, focusing on helping others and spreading "justice" around the world. Such thinking argues that, even if abortion is an unfortunate situation, it does not outweigh other important social issues such as poverty, hunger, homelessness and inadequate medical care. These people love to quote and refer to John 8:10-11, where Christ asked a woman He just saved from being stoned to "sin no more" (John 8:10-11).

They also jump at the chance to quote The Good Samaritan in Luke 10:30-37 or preach that we should all be our "brother's keeper."

While all of these references are nice to mention, one cannot pretend to apply them absent including protecting unborn children from the mix, certainly not on moral, rational or sensible grounds. The only grounds which allow such absurdly selective Scriptural application are political ones, which have been shown to have no moral integrity at all, being merely designed and intended to gain votes and manipulate convenience.


While we may not know what will happen in the closing months of this year's general campaign for the White House, one thing is certain; Barack Obama will repeatedly tell us that he is truly a Christian and sprinkle Scripture on half of his speeches as proof. He will admonish us for neglecting others and remind us that we must all be keepers of each other. He will preach unity and love and suggest that we live our lives striving to embrace both ideals as often as possible.

The real Barack Obama is the cold, calculating, heartless politician who did not mind disrespecting a couple who had lost most of their children in a tragedy so he could remove unwanted media attention before killing a bill what would have helped families cover adoption expenses, all because it involved a pro-life message, and we know what Obama thinks about pro-life anything.

I dare anyone to read the above story and tell me that this man is a Christian or anything within a mile of anything remotely Christian. Simply put, Barack Obama is the ultimate used care salesman, saying and doing anything to make that sale. The only thing is, this time he wants you to buy the tale that he is Christian, and he is pointing to the conveniently placed and dusty Bible on the counter as evidence.

Meanwhile, he keeps on being the abortion lobby's number one soldier, keeps on treating the unborn like the plague and keeps on calling himself a Christian. Given all of this, I guess I can keep on calling myself Spider Man, despite my vertigo.

Gabriel Garnica, Esq., is a college professor and licensed attorney whose regular commentary also appears on, The Daley Times-Post, and Michnews. He holds a law degree from New York University and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from St. John’s University in New York.

© Copyright 2008 by Gabriel Garnica


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